生产的系列鞋材在同类产品中脱颖而出,可根据客户要求“ 量身订做 ”,并与国内外众多著名品牌鞋业均有良好合作。生产优质的产品是公司的唯一宗旨,求真、务实、创新、诚信是公司的理念。公司经济实力雄厚,技术精湛,具有良好的发展前景建厂以来,公司产品远销日本、中东,内销涵盖广东省、江苏省、福建省、浙江省、四川省等地。深受客户青睐。
Brief introduction our Enterprise
Our company is ChunGuang emulsion products limited company(Emulsion foam rubber). Guangzhou Chunguang automatic paste heat effict melt factory(approved cloth、secondary-low temperature heat effict mult slice). Guangzhou Puyin shoe material limited company (water dissolve Gangbao、Mid-bottom board)Guangzhou Ruitai shoe material limited company(return force rubber).
The present company stands beautiful Baiyun economy industrial park in Guangzhou. The area of factory is over 25000m2. The area of production factory is over 20000m2. The economy of company is rich. The environment of factory is good. There are lots of modern standard factory building .We have had more than 200 staff since our company was set up.
Our company have recommended modern home production facilities. We have 12 production line(return force rubber is 2 line、emulsion is 2 line、approved cloth is 2 line、heat effict Gangbao is 3 line、water dissolve Gangbao is 2 line、point rubberized fabric is 1 line)
Our products and service through our leading technology and and we let you be satisfied excellent quality. Our products sale to distant places all over the country and Euromarket and America market.