福戈拥有一系列的先进生产设备和检测设备,产品远销世界多个国家和地区,产品以不锈钢精密铸造及铜材机械加工为一体专业生产、设计制做各类点支式玻璃幕墙,玻璃滑门配件、玻璃推拉门配件、玻璃连接件,配套拉手,铰链,合叶,抽屉滑轨等各类五金配件生产及模具开发为中心,产品远销港澳、欧美、东南亚等国家和地区。福戈以高新的技术、款式新颖,完美的质量、优质的服务满足广大客户的要求,不断改善技术提高产品质量。以服务争市场,以质量树品牌并与广大客户“携手并进,共图发展”。Vogel Hardware Company has rich experience in manufacturing and exporting of glass door handles and hinges,funiture fittings,toilet cubical partition and other hardware£In order to meet the requirement of developing, some new series have been kept developing and the quality has been further improved. The satisfactory benefits depend on the satisfactory user¡£and the enterprise can¡¯t exist and make the long-term development without such satisfactory benefits.