广州市国良橡胶制品有限公司成立于一九九一年,著名"澳熊" "象球"商标为广州市国良橡胶制品有限公司所注册.
广州市国良橡胶制品有限公司主要产品有:橡胶管,橡胶板.三角带.塑料管.塑料板.输送带等,其中"澳熊"氧气胶管,乙炔胶管,空气耐压胶管,三角带, 塑料管为名优 产品.
广州市国良橡胶制品有限公司的产品按国家产品质量标准生产." 澳熊"产品得到中国物品编码中心的质量认可.所颁发的厂商产品识别号码为:69287450所有产品均有唯一条形码.产品质量更有保障. 广州市国良橡胶制品有限公司奉承"产品质量最优,服务态度最好,产品价格低"的宗旨,热情为广大新老客户服务
Guangzhou GuoLiang XiangJiao ZhiPin Co.,Ltd. was established in 1991."AoXiong" and "XiangQiu"were registered trade marks for this company.
The main products of Guangzhou GuoLiang ZhiPin Co.,Ltd.are :rubber pipe, rubber panel, triangle belt, plastic pipe, plastics panel, conveyor belt, etc. Among them, the "AoXiong"oxygen rubber pipe, alkynes rubber pipe , high-pressured rubber pipe, triangle belt, plastic pipe are well known brands.
The products of Guangzhou GuoLiang XiangJiao ZhiPin Co.,Ltd. are produced in accordance with national product quality standard. The quality of "AoXiong"products has been certified by the Chinese Commodity Code Center. The product identified code issued from the center is : 69287450. All the products have only one barcode to assure the products quality.
Guangzhou GuoLiang XiangJiao ZhiPin Co.,Ltd. upholds the principle of "Best quality,best service , lowest price" towarmly serve all the customers.