Established in 1997, Fixedstar beain to focuse on the bamboo and wood flooring in the first. We developed the “ Fixed Star” bamboo and wood flooring in 1999, and acquired the market acceptance promptly. With the steady development of the wood industry, our company was also in a fast developing way.
We have devoted most energy to the manufacture technique and new product research since 2000. We conquered several difficulties in the boiling and bleaching, content of bamboo’s moisture, glue etc. and acquired some patent. Besides, we developed some new bamboo products, for example, Bamboo Plank, Bamboo Chopping Block, Classic Bamboo Flooring, Engineered Wood and Bamboo Flooring.
湘竹木业有限公司成立于1997年,现有员工500余人,主要生产经营竹木地板、竹集成材、家具、工艺制品、室内装饰材料等,公司下辖成品总厂、竹坯板厂10个,竹木原材料加工基地18个,公司拥有国际先进的竹木地板生产线和UV漆涂装线,具备年产各类地板100万平方米,竹集成材18万立方米的能力。在全司员工的不懈努力下,我们已通过了ISO9001:2000和ISO14001:1996国际管理体系认证, 2002年成为国际竹藤组织常任理事单位,2003年公司实施杂交竹种植开发项目,总投资1.48亿元,该项目已纳入国家经贸委“双高一优”导向计划。近年来,产品不断推陈出新,如数码锁扣竹地板、地热竹地板,都是我们具有知识产权的专利产品。随着公司国际化战略的推进,湘竹已与美国、英国、荷兰、韩国、马来西亚等全球十几个国家和地区建立了良好的采购及销售合作关系,实现优势互补、资源共享、双赢发展。