公司遵循以质量求生存,以价格求稳定,在稳定中求发展的原则,本着“互惠双赢、共同发展”的目标,诚邀社会各界朋友携手并进、共创未来。“青岛金海碘” 愿与国内外各界有识之士共同创造美好未来。 “青岛金海碘”希望成为您永久的朋友!!
Qingdao Jinhaidian Chemical Co. Ltd., as a comprehensive enterprise incorporated with R&D and manufacturing of medical and chemical products, has advanced manufacturing equipments and testing instruments.
Our products include iodine, potassium iodide, natriumiodide, sodium iodate, calcinol, selenium dioxide, sodium selenite, cobalt chloride, potassium carbonate, rose vitriol. feed additive and diluters with iodine, cobalt, and selenium, industrial raw materials and glass equipments, which are widely used in pharmacy, chemistry, feed, electroplating, and surface processing industries, with sales network all around China by our credit and reputation.
Based on the principle of survival on quality with reasonable price, we sincerely would like to cooperate with people from all lines, aiming to obtain win-win effect.
Cell Phone: 13706483186
Fax: (86)532-87632466
经营范围:批发、零售:化学试剂、化工原料、化工产品(以上不含危险品),食品添加剂,饲料添加剂;货物及技术的进出口业务(法律、行政法规禁止的项目除外,法律、行政法规限制的项目取得许可后方可经营)。 (依法须经批准的项目,经相关部门批准后方可开展经营活动)。