

    名珊美甲饰品有限公司驻 珠海直销中心,以直销本公司美甲产品为主,公司是国内最早一家专业生产美甲用品的厂家,厂址位于中国广东东莞。拥有先进的设备和专业的技术水平,不断吸取国外各种胶的精粹,胜在吸取之后发扬自主创新的精神,不断研制出许多时尚美甲新产品。公司主要生产美甲产品有:光疗胶系列;甲油;水晶甲;甲片;美甲工具,钻石饰品;颜料;工具;等系列1000多种产品,与国内多家知名品牌企业长期合作,强强联手,名珊品牌产品是美国、德国、日本、乌克兰、俄罗斯、马来西亚、法国......等多个国家客户指定式在中国的供应商,产品畅销韩国;新加坡;美国及香港,台湾等东南亚欧美国家及地区,名珊美甲一直致力于品牌发展战略,坚持环保概念,迎合消费者的品味,真正把产品的质量和美观予以高度的结合!高雅而艳丽。本公司具有雄大的美甲技术人员,不定期推广美甲时尚新产品技术交流,深受美甲行业的追捧。
名珊 珠海直销中心本着量多价优的原则,真诚欢迎美甲行业有诚意的客户前来考察,参观工厂,洽谈业务。

Ming Shan Nail Jewelry Co., Ltd. in Zhuhai, sales centers, in order to direct the company nail products, the company is the first production of a professional nail products manufacturers, the site is located in Dongguan, Guangdong, China. Advanced equipment and professional skills, continuing to draw the essence of all kinds of plastic abroad, after the win in the draw to carry forward the spirit of independent innovation, and continuously developed new products in many fashion nail.The company mainly produces nail products: light therapy plastic series; polish; Crystal A; a film; nail tools, diamond jewelry; pigment; tools; and other 1,000 kinds of products, with many famous brands long-term cooperation, combining the strengths , Mingshan products in the United States, Germany, Japan, Ukraine, Russia, Malaysia, France and other countries ...... customer specified style in China, supplier, selling products in Korea; Singapore; the United States and Hong Kong and Taiwan European and American countries and regions in Southeast Asia.
公司地址: 中国广东珠海市珠海市拱北口岸批发市场一楼南区89号
联 系 人:金明秀 (女士)
在线状态:离线 发送消息
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