联星科技(成都联星微电子有限公司)是一家以高速短距通讯技术为核心技术(例如:USB、UWB、1394、Bluetooth、WLAN、LAN 等近距通信技术),从事军用、民用工业测控类产品的设计开发、通讯芯片的设计、验证、测试及应用开发平台类产品的设计开发的专业化研究型企业。公司为用户提供技术咨询、方案设计、参考设计、开发工具、产品测试验证、测试评估工具、芯片样片、产品模块或最终产品等一系列服务。公司的目标是即时跟踪国际最新通讯技术标准,成为国内最新通信技术标准的推动者、倡导者与领导者,利用信息及互连网技术为用户提供优质的环球化的服务,成为最新技术标准与最终用户产品之间的桥梁
LinkSilicon Innovation Pte. Ltd. is a technology company that explored on Short-Range wired (USB, 1394, LAN, CAN, UART, I2S and I2C,etc) connectivity technology , and wireless (Bluetooth、WLAN and UWB etc) connectivity technology
We provide solutions, products and services to help customer apply the latest communication technologies to the Aerospace, Defense and industrial and consumer area.
We offer customer a wide range of products and services from solutions, products (including chips, module or end products), to tools and platforms for designing, developing, testing, verification and evaluation
We not only bridge you and your business to the connectivity technology world, but also bridge you and you life to the whole world!