佛山市顺德区圣尔亚电器有限公司专业生产抽油烟机、热水器、烤箱、保温盘、燃气灶、紫外线消毒器、五金卫浴、及各种五金配件。2006年以来,产品承载着众多优秀的品牌远销全球30多个国家和地区。自身的经营管理水平和企业文化内涵在成长历程中得以不断进步和提升。已成功取得ISO9000:2000国际质量体系认证;率先导入“企业资源管理系统(ERP)”、“IPD研发集成流程” 、“精益生产”管理技术。稳健求实 创新进取,致力成为全球最强势的家电产品生产基地,让卓越的品牌更加卓越!
Foshan SEY Electric Appliance CO.,LTD In the pearl rever delta have Range hood、Water heater、Oven、Gas stove、Ultraviolet disinfector and Hardware sanitary ware、Hardwere parts to have more development space. Since 2006, The product loads numerous excellent brands popular global more than 30 countries and region;The management level and the corporate culture content of the oneself can progress unremittingly and promote in the growth the process.Have already succeeded to obtain ISO9000:2000 international quality system attestations;Lead off ducting"the business enterprise resources management system(ERP)","the IPD development integration process","the benefit produce" management technique.Steady beg actually creative enterprising, is dedicated to become the most pre-eminent appliance of world product to produce a base, make the outstanding brand more outstanding.