常青藤陶艺创意工坊 是一个专为孩子、成人打造的一片创意天地。它是结合孩子、成人的年龄特点量身定做的一个开发自身潜能和右脑的实践基地,它是一座充满了大自然气息的艺术宫殿!在这里可以让自己的身心彻底放松,让自己的创作灵感尽情挥洒,亲手制作出独一无二的个性化作品并永久珍藏!
Chang Qing Teng (ivy) ceramic creative studio is a specially designed place for the children, adult to build a creative world. Which combined with children, adult’s age characteristic tailor made develop their own potential and the practice base of their right brain, there is an art palace filled with nature. Give yourself a pure land of soul and gleam space after a fast-paced job and study. Let your Body & Brain relax when in the great happiness to get oneself expression, let your creative inspiration brandish asperses. Let your personal create unique individualized works being collected permanently
¤ 陶泥制作
•conditioned clay production
-- 用孩子的双手去感受泥土、揉捏它、塑造它、开发右脑,充分发挥孩子、成人们的想象和创造力!
¤ DIY绘画活动(油画)
?Painting activities (oil)
-- 即使没有任何绘画基础的孩子也能成为出色的画家,这不是神话,这是神画,它可以培养孩子的观察力、专注力、精细动作的发展、色彩的敏感度、孩子的艺术气质和画的鉴赏能力、可以在我们工坊内制作,也可以购回家里与家长共同完成。你也可以提供你们的倩影照、结婚照,由我们为您制版,那么你们将可以亲手绘出自己的靓影。
¤ 各类精致的陶瓷工艺品(独特而别致)
¤ 纯手工工艺画(在画里有人,画里有流水)