鼎宇橡塑制品有限公司专业制造硅胶制品, 包括硅胶密封圈,硅胶餐具,硅胶蛋糕模,刷子,刮刀等厨房用品。我们在这一行业有11年的经验。本公司内部管理规范;产品品质优良、价格合理,服务周到;同时公司时处发展扩大阶段,运作机制灵活,可适应客户多方要求。欢迎海内外新老客户前来我公司参观、洽谈业务。
Tridentek Silicone Rubber Industrial Co., Ltd. We are a professional factory which produce all kinds of Silicone bakeware and relative accessories, we have 11 years rich experience in this filed. We promise to produce and provide highest quality, competitive price, in-time delivery and good service for our customers.Sincerely welcome customer from home and abroad to visit our factory or contact us for more information.