湖南兆恒材料科技有限公司专业从事特种高性能泡沫材料研究、开发、生产、销售;主要产品聚甲基丙烯酰亚胺泡沫(PMI泡沫)已经获得国家发明专利,产品性能达到国际先进水平。PMI泡沫具有高比强度,高比模量和高耐热性能,在同等密度条件下,PMI泡沫的拉伸、压缩、剪切、弯曲等强度和模量指标均远高于其他材料,是复合材料芯材的材料;公司现已建成一条先进的PMI泡沫生产线,年产量为5000m3,是目前国内第一家可以生产大厚度规格PMI泡沫板材的生产厂家,已形成ZihacellTM (兆赛TM)、Zihafoam TM(兆孚TM)两大系列多个产品型号的系列产品,以满足用户对不同产品用途的需求。产品广泛应用于航空、航天、风电、高速列车、高速舰船、军用雷达、运动器材、医疗器械、音响制品等领域。
Zihard technology is a professional research, development, production, sales of special high performance foam materials. Comparing to compressive strength, tense strength, shear strength, elastic modulus and shear modulus, Our main products PMI foam ( Polymethacrylimide) which performance reached the international advanced level, are superior to Polyurethane foam and other materials. Zihard technology is the first domestic enterprise which has scale industrialization so far. With advanced PMI foam production line and yearly output reach 5000M3, the first domestic qualified supplier which provide the large size and big thickness PMI foam. The company has two main products: Zihacell TM and Zihafoam TM to meet the different requirements of customers with a variety of specifications. PMI foam is widely used in aerospace, wind power, high-speed train, high-speed ships, military radar, medical equipment and other industries with a broad market prospect.