淄博DHL国际快递全球货运公司 淄博DHL快递网点
2023-05-09 15:50  浏览:42
淄博DHL国际快递全球货运公司   淄博DHL快递网点

做为合同物流行业和德国邮政 DHL 集团公司的一部分,DHL Supply Chain持续第三年又被誉为国际性舞台的顾主。在今年的,DHL Supply Chain还因为其在西班牙、西班牙、西班牙、美国、澳大利亚、国外、墨西哥与中国等八个国家优异人力资源政策而得到认可。这种销售市场总计占该单位总劳动人口60% 上下。

“大家非常高兴持续第三年被选为顾主。证书说明大家在 DHL Supply Chain制订可持续性人力资源战略坚持不懈的努力已经取得实效,”DHL Supply Chain 全世界人力资源主管 Rob Rosenberg说。“尤其是在合同物流行业,积极且临危不乱的职工队伍是为用户提供解决方案重要。这也是为什么大家采用积极主动地多层面方式去吸引和留住人才。事实上,此方法是一个很好的,如同**顾主协会新验证所说明的那般。”

25 年以来,Top Employers Institute 一直认同****为职工造就工作性质的顾主。验证根据对人力资源管理600 个方面的人员流程的全方位审批。尤其是,DHL Supply Chain因它在人才激励机制、领导力发展、岗位与接任管理及学习与发展领域内的方式被选择出去。验证全过程包含普遍人力资源实践调研,包含第三方审核。

DHL Supply Chain 给予多种对于职业规划和个人成长计划。内部结构验证供应链管理**专家 (CSCS)培训方案激励员工还有机会在供应链运营的所有行业拓展他的专业知识——从运输仓储物流到市场销售和财务。全世界青年志愿者日和多种GoHelp 规划等方案激励员工还有机会实践活动 DHL提倡的企业社会责任的关键所在标准——适用小区、保护生态环境和推动文化教育。

For the third consecutive year DHL Supply Chain, market leaderin contract logistics and part of the Deutsche Post DHL Group, hasagain been recognized as a Top Employer on the international stage.This year DHL Supply Chain also received recognition for itsoutstanding human resources policy in eight countries – includingSpain, Portugal, the Netherlands, UK, Canada, USA, Brazil andChina. Together these markets represent around 60% of thedivision’s total workforce.

“We are delighted to be awarded as a Top Employer for the thirdyear in a row. This certificate demonstrates that our efforts tocreate a sustainable HR strategy at DHL Supply Chain are payingoff,” said Rob Rosenberg, Global Head of Human Resources at DHLSupply Chain. “Especially in the field of contract logistics, amotivated and well-trained workforce is key to offering customersoptimal solutions. Which is why we take a proactive andmulti-layered approach to both attracting and retaining employees.And this approach is proving successful, as shown by this renewedcertification from the Top Employers Institute.”

For over 25 years, Top Employers Institute has recognizedemployers around the world who create excellent working conditionsfor their employees. Certification is based on a comprehensiveaudit of people processes spanning across 600 aspects of HumanResources. In particular, DHL Supply Chain was singled out for itsapproach in the areas of Talent Strategy, Leadership Development,Career & Succession Management and Learning & Development. Thecertification process consists of an extensive HR Best Practicesurvey including a third party audit.

DHL Supply Chain offers several programs aimed at careerdevelopment und personal development. The in-house Certified SupplyChain Specialist (CSCS) training program offers employees theopportunity to expand their knowledge across all areas of supplychain operations – from transport and warehousing to sales andfinance. Programs such as the Global Volunteer Day and the multipleGoHelp initiatives give employees the chance to put into practicethe key tenets of social responsibility promoted by DHL –supporting the community, protecting the environment and promotingeducation.
