2023-12-28 17:14  浏览:435

PC+ABS合金材料有助于提高电子产品外壳的强度,没有一个行业像消费电子那样日新月异,这个行业竞争激烈,我们的客户必须不断的保证竞争力,而的关键在于产品的功能,美观性及设计灵活性,公司几十年来一如既往地为消费电子领域提供技术支持,为客户的商用仪器,消费电子仪器及外壳提供高品质的塑料,为制造商解决当下棘手的问题,包括;抗紫外线和耐化学性,阻燃性,美观性,可着色性,以及良好的手感等,可满足消费者对高性能材料在功能性,耐用性,安全性和美观性方面日益增长的需求,在传统塑料基础上,我们还提供了可持续性材料来满足环保要求,助力客户实现可持续性发展目标,提供硬质及软质塑料一站式的解决方案,在上述两种材料类型的开发,生产和加工方面具备的技术,并能够做到同时把硬质塑料基材和软质塑料基材二次诚信达到粘度,为客户带来产品的便利。                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        PC ABS alloy material helps to improve the strength of the shell of electronic products, no industry like consumer electronics as changing, the industry competition is fierce, our customers must constantly ensure the competitiveness, and the key is the product function, beauty and design flexibility, the company for decades as always to provide technical support for the field of consumer electronics, To provide high quality plastics for customers' commercial instruments, consumer electronic instruments and casings, to solve the difficult problems of the moment for manufacturers, including; Uv resistance, chemical resistance, flame retardant, aesthetics, colorability, and good hand feel can meet consumers' growing demand for high-performance materials in terms of functionality, durability, safety and aesthetics. based on traditional plastics, we also provide sustainable materials to meet environmental requirements and help customers achieve sustainable development goals. Provide hard and soft plastics one-stop solution, in the above two types of material development, production and processing technology, and can achieve the hard plastic substrate and soft plastic substrate second integrity to achieve viscosity, to bring convenience to customers.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 ABS树脂具有一个有吸引力的外观,均衡的物理性能,以及优良的成型性。它是用来在广泛的应用范围,从办公设备,如复印机内部和外部汽车部件,家电产品,以及杂项消费产品。其应用范围也越来越大,使用东丽的先进技术开发的性防静电树脂                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 ABS resin has an attractive appearance, balanced physical properties, and excellent formability. It is used in a wide range of applications from office equipment such as photocopiers to internal and external auto parts, home appliance products, and miscellaneous consumer products. Its application range is also growing, using the advanced technology developed by Toray anti-static resin

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