HDM3210/HDM3210S 总线制消防电话符合《GB16806-2006 消防联动控制系统》国家标准,并取得 CCCF 认证。HDM3210/HDM3210S 是二总线制消防电话系统中的总机设备,它可接入 HD312/HD312S 总线制消防电话分机、HD322 总线制消防电话插孔以及和它配套的 HD220 插孔式消防电话分机。多可接入 90/120 门(部)有地址编码的消防电话分机,每门总线式分机或插孔可外挂多达 60 个 HD230 消防电话插孔 ( 多线制 ),以上设备与消防设备电源及备用蓄电池构成完善的消防电话系统,适用于建筑内发生火灾或紧急情况时的通信、调度。HDM3210/HDM3210s 总线制消防电话系统是建立于本公司自主研发的 HWE-BUS 总线通信技术上的完全自主知识产权的产品(专利类型:发明专利,专利号:ZL 2007 1 0178430.2/ZL 2007 1 0178354.5/ZL 2007 1 0179219.2)。它不仅完全符合《GB16806-2006 消防联动控制系统》国家标准的相关技术,充分考虑并增加了便于现场施工的多项实用性功能。例如“总线无极性接入”、“防短路保护”、“分级重码查找”等。本产品还具有可实现网络化消防电话的功能。为大型乃至超大型消防工程提供有力的技术支持。 HDM3210/HDM3210s addressable fire telephone system approved by CCCF is designed to comply with Chinese national standard GB16806-2006. The system consists of HDM3210/HDM3210s addressable fire telephone exchange panel, HD312 and HD312s addressable fire telephone extension, HD322 addressable fire telephone jack and HD220 telephone handset. For different buildings, the system may have 90/127 addressable accessories at maximum, and each address spot can add-on another 60 conventional fire telephone jacks HD230, which makes the system is suitable for large scale fire communication projects. More importantly, HDM3210/HDM3210s addressable fire telephone system is developed based on Hover’s unique HWE BUS-Line technology which gained patent, this enables HDM3210/HDM3210s have superior functions of nonpolarity wiring and short-cut protection, which differ from common addressable systems.