丰联广场位于东二环朝阳门东侧,建外—朝阳门—国贸中心商圈之中,是一座规模适中、以专卖店方式经营的中商场。商场拥有16000平方米经营面积,购物环境舒适宜人,店堂形象优雅亮丽,商场布局清晰大气、装饰风格时尚前卫,服务精致,品味优雅。自97年开业以来,吸引了众多国内外品牌专卖店,商场也以其高雅舒适的购物环境、纯美浓厚的艺术氛围和品质的物业管理享誉京城。 丰联广场商场全面吸收国外现代化商业Shopping Mall的模式,追求卓而不群的经营特色,采用国际流行的“店中店”格局, B2-F4共六层形成了精品折扣、时尚佳履、经典装苑、青春风尚、优雅伊装、餐饮美容六大主题系列,共有一百多个特色专卖店分布于各楼层的主题区域内,涵盖了消费领域各种品牌,如ESCADA、LAUREL、MONTBLANC、SWAROVSKI、CK JEANS、SISLEY、Benetton、ESPRIT、AZONA、ONLY、Vero moda、MISS`K等,还拥有商务中心、邮局、银行等服务项目。 丰联广场集购物、餐饮、休闲为一体,将中的消费与的艺术文化环境结合,使顾客在丰联的每一分钟都成为享受。
Fenglian Plaza is located on the east side of Chaoyang Gate on the East Second Ring Road, in the commercial area of Jianwai Chaoyang Gate International Trade Center. It is a medium-sized and high-end shopping mall operated through a franchise store. The mall has a business area of 16000 square meters, a comfortable and pleasant shopping environment, an elegant and bright storefront image, a clear and atmospheric layout, fashionable and avant-garde decoration style, exquisite service, and elegant taste. Since its opening in 1997, it has attracted numerous well-known domestic and foreign brand stores, and the shopping mall is also renowned in the capital for its elegant and comfortable shopping environment, pure and beautiful artistic atmosphere, and first-class property management. Fenglian Square Mall fully absorbs the model of modern foreign commercial Shopping Mall, pursuing outstanding business characteristics, and adopts the internationally popular "store in store" pattern. The B2-F4 has six floors, forming six major theme series: boutique discounts, fashionable shoes, classic attire, youth style, elegant Yi attire, and catering and beauty. There are more than 100 specialty stores distributed in the theme area of each floor, covering various benchmark brands in the consumer field, For example, ESCADA, LAUREL, MONTBLANC, SWAROVSKI, CK JEANS, SISLEY, Benetton, ESPRIT, AZONA, ONLY, Vero moda, MISS ` K, etc., as well as business center, post office, bank and other service projects. Fenglian Plaza integrates shopping, dining, and leisure, combining high-end consumption with a high-end artistic and cultural environment, making every minute of Fenglian's stay enjoyable for customers.