2020年度北京市级文化产业园区开启正式授牌活动。98家园区分获市级文化产业园区、市级文化产业示范园区(提名)、市级文化产业示范园区。其中,亮点文创园成功被认定为“2020年度北京市级文化产业园区。亮点文创园致力于打造“城市中心 花园人文美创空间”,不仅为企业提供高品质花园式办公美学空间,并且以极具特色的“产业带动+文创IP+园区品牌+公共服务”的一体化产业生态体系,对旗下园区通过建立统一的项目运营、服务、党建、智慧系统、公共服务体系等,实现多园互动、以点带面的整体格局,主导产业涵盖创意设计服务、文化信息服务、文化传播渠道等文化核心领域,凸显出鲜明的“文化+”特征。亮点文创园将借此继续践行“城市功能更新+历史文化传承”的核心发展理念,推动文化产业“高精尖”业态趋势,发挥市级文化产业园区带动作用,强化公共服务、平台服务功能,营造良好的发展环境,成为城市文化新地标,为推动文化产业高质量发展贡献力量。
In 2020, the Beijing Municipal Cultural Industry Park began its official licensing activity. 98 Jiayuan has been awarded the titles of Municipal Cultural Industry Park, Municipal Cultural Industry Demonstration Park (nominated), and Municipal Cultural Industry Demonstration Park. Among them, the Highlights Cultural and Creative Park has been successfully recognized as the "2020 Beijing Municipal Cultural Industry Park". The Highlights Cultural and Creative Park is committed to creating a "cultural, aesthetic, and creative space in the city center garden", not only providing high-quality garden style office aesthetic space for enterprises, but also establishing a distinctive integrated industrial ecosystem of "industry driven+cultural and creative IP+park brand+public service" to establish unified project operation, service The Party building, smart system, public service system, etc., achieve an overall pattern of multi park interaction and point to area, with leading industries covering cultural core areas such as creative design services, cultural information services, and cultural communication channels, highlighting a distinct "cultural+" feature. Highlights Cultural and Creative Park will continue to practice the core development concept of "urban functional renewal+historical and cultural inheritance", promote the trend of "high precision and cutting-edge" cultural industry formats, play a leading role in municipal cultural industry parks, strengthen public services and platform services, create a good development environment, become a new landmark of urban culture, and contribute to the high-quality development of the cultural industry。