驱动辊由24v直流电供电,并被归类为电气安全系统应用,它是一种极其安静、紧凑、高效和持久的解决方案。其功能部件不需要额外的日常维护。 驱动电机是驱动辊的技术核心,在标准设置中,驱动电机安装在一个ø50mm托辊管内,驱动托辊可依据顾客要求进行定制。
As well as being classified as an electrically-safe system as it is powered by 24V DC, the Drive Roller is an extremely silent, compact, efficient and long-lasting solution which does not require maintenance of its functional parts.
The motor unit, the technological heart of the Drive Roller, is - in the standard set-up proposed - fitted inside a 50 mm Ø tube with the finish agreed with the client.