MMBS 英力士苯领 ZYLAR650 机械强度好 辐射消毒 环氧乙烷消毒 冲击性能好
Zylar 650是一种冲击改性的苯乙烯-丙烯酸共聚物,它提供了透明度和韧性的平衡,具有优异的强度和刚度。Zylar 650还具有卓越的加工特性,适用于要求高的注塑应用。具有良好的韧性、刚度和清晰度平衡、低密度、易于加工的伽马和ETO可灭菌性,符合USP XXI第六类塑料应用、电器和消费品、医行器机、玩具、办公用品、工业外和盖子规。 vr'650 s an mpat modfed siwrene acc opoymer that provde a balance ofcltano toucness, with outstandino strenotn and rordity Zyr"650 also as superor processina characterstis for demandind inection moided apo icatonsFEATURES Good balance of toughnes,stifness, and clarity low density Ease of processing Gamma & ETO sterlizable Mets USP XXll specifications for Class viplastics APPLICATIONS Appliances and consumer goods Medical devices Toys 0ffice accessories lndustrial housings and covers