任何参与欧盟市场产品的商业开发或质量保证的人都一定会了解涵盖其产品的特定指令。随着技术的发展,所有行业和新产品的出现,商品将开始超出特定指令的范围,或者最初不打算供消费者使用的商品开始被消费者使用是可行的。在这些情况下,适用通用产品安全指令(GPSD)2001/95 EC。
1. EN 13899: 2003 — Roller sports equipment — Roller skates — Safety requirements and test methods
2. EN 13138-2: 2003 — Buoyant aids for swimming instruction — Part 2: Safety requirements and test methods for buoyant aids to be held
3. EN 13319: 2000 — Diving ac c essories — Depth gauges and c o mbined depth and time measuring devices —Functional and safety requirements, test methods
4. EN 1651:1999 — Paragliding equipment — Harnesses — Safety requirements and strength tests
5. EN 12491: 2001 — Paragliding equipment — Emergency parachutes — Safety requirements and test methods
6. EN 913: 1996 — Gymnastic equipment — General safety requirements and test methods
7. EN 12655:1998 — Gymnastic equipment — Hanging rings — Functional and safety requirements, test methods
8. EN 12197:1997 — Gymnastic equipment — Horizontal bars — Safety requirements and test methods
9. EN 12346:1998 — Gymnastic equipment — Wall bars, lattice ladders and climbing frames — Safety requirements and test methods
10. EN 12432:1998 — Gymnastic equipment — Balancing beams — Functional and safety requirements, test methods