整体型人工鱼礁模具整体采用了钢板材料来进行生产,其使用寿命相对来讲是比较长的,该模具的使用非常的方便,并且其安装起来也比较简单, 模具的密封性很好,各块钢板之间通过使用电焊机进行焊接,焊缝非常的紧密,不容易出现浆料渗漏的情况,生产出来的混凝土制块成型效果才更好。The overall artificial fish reef mold is made of steel plate material for production, so its service life is relatively long. The mold is very convenient to use, and its installation is also relatively simple. The sealing of the mold is good, and each steel plate is welded by using an electric welding machine. The welding seam is very tight, and it is not easy to have slurry leakage. The produced concrete blocks have better forming effect.