The plastic template for frame beam slope protection is made on-site, and the templates are all brought to the production site for operation. The method of template processing is very simple, but it is roughly the same as most cast-in-place plastic templates. The material of the template, polypropylene, needs to be careful not to collide and not to use it in direct sunlight during the production process
①轻巧 由于塑料密度较小,框架梁护坡塑料模板非常轻便,尤其适合在高层建筑中使用。
②安全 采用高强度塑料制造,耐压、耐重、耐磨,使用寿命相对较长,耐用,适合在复杂环境下使用,不容易导致安全事故。
③使用方便 由于其轻便性能,操作非常简单,人员安装和拆卸比较方便,节省了一定的施工时间和劳动力成本。