★ 观察DNA迁移和分离的过程
★ 蓝光观察,不会损伤DNA
★ 在不移除凝胶的情况下获取高分辨率图像
myGel InstaView电泳系统提供了制胶、跑胶、看胶及照胶所需的一切,包含一个集成电泳电源。
一旦myGel InstaView系统装配好,只需将迷你蓝光LED透照台插入到电泳槽底部位置,并随时打开它来实时查看跑胶情况。一组蓝色led灯发出的蓝光波长为465nm,用于常见绿色荧光染色剂如SmartGlowTM ,SYBYRTM green和Gel green的佳激发波长,而不损伤DNA。在不需要任何额外设备或特殊眼镜的情况下,盖子里装有一个橙色过滤器,用于清晰的观察DNA条带。
当需要对电泳图谱拍照时,将凝胶成像框放置在myGel InstaView的顶部,并使用任何智能手机上的相机应用程序来捕捉高分辨率的图像,而无需将凝胶从容器中取出。这样,图片很容易通过电子邮件、短信或打印分享。
输出电压:35V, 50V or 100V
定时:0-99 mins, 连续
凝胶规格:1-10.5x10cm or 1-10.5x6cm 胶, 0.5cm 厚
照胶台:蓝光 LED, 465nm
外形尺寸WxDxH (w/enclosure):10x8.25x5in/25.5x21x14cm
电源:115V, 60Hz or 230V, 50Hz
质保:2 年
Catalog No. | Description |
E1201* | myGel InstaView Electrophoresis System, includes gel tank with orange filter, direct connect power supply, E1200-CS1 casting set (see below), Mini SmartBlue Transilluminator and imaging enclosure |
E1200-CS1 | Additional casting set, includes casting stand, divider, 2 trays for 10.5x6cm gels, one tray for 10.5x10cm gels, 2 double-sided combs -12/22 teeth |
E1101-COMB1 | Additional double-sided combs, 12/22 teeth, pack of 2 |
E4000-VG1 | SmartBlue Viewing Glasses for use with blue transilluminators |
E1220-OC | Orange cover for mini LED transilluminator (for use separately from the gel tank) |
*115V with US plug. For 230V, add -E to end of catalog number.
InstaView 电泳槽 - 连接您自己的电泳电源
对于喜欢使用独立电源的实验室,InstaView电泳槽是跑胶、看胶和照胶的完美选择。InstaView电泳槽配备一个大(10.5x10cm)和一个小(10.5x6cm)凝胶托盘,并提供全套的制胶工具。电泳槽盖包含电源引线,以保证在盖子未正确放置的情况下跑胶。任何标准电泳电源都可以连接,包括Accuris myVoltTM Mini和myVolt Touch。
InstaView电泳槽的设计允许迷你蓝光LED透照台插入到底部。465nm波长的蓝光可以激发常见的绿色荧光染色剂,如SmartGlowTM,SYBRTM green和GelGreen。电泳槽盖上装有橙色过滤器,无需任何额外的设备或眼镜就能清楚的看到凝胶盒中的DNA条带。在跑胶过程中,可以随时开启蓝光透照台来跟踪跑胶进度,5分钟后自动关闭。
透照台:蓝光 LED, 465nm
外形尺寸WxDxH (w/enclosure):7.5x8.25x5in /19x21x14cm
InstaView Gel Tank, includes tank with orange filter, C1200-CS1 casting set (see below), Mini SmartBlue Transilluminator and imaging enclosure (power supply not included
myVolt™ Touch Power Supply, 1 to 300V, 400mA, 100W
myVolt™ Mini Power Supply, 100V/200V
SmartBlue Viewing Glasses for use with blue transilluminators
Orange cover for mini LED transilluminator (for use separately from the gel tank)
SmartGlow™ 安全核酸染料 | ||||
SmartGlow is a safe alternative to ethidium bromide for visualization of DNA in agarose gels. >Excitation by UV or blue light >Non-mutagenic, environmentally safe >No special disposal methods required >20,000X Prestain or 6X Loading Dye | ||||
E4500-LD | SmartGlow Loading Dye w/Safe Green Stain, 1ml | |||
E4500-PS | SmartGlow Safe Green Prestain, 1ml | |||
SmartCheck™ DNA 标准品 | ||||
SmartCheck DNA Ladders are designed for fast and accurate DNA sizing in agarose gels. >Three sizes - 50bp, 100bp and 1kb >Ready to use formulation with loading buffer and tracking dyes >Higher intensity reference bands >Each tube is suitable for 500 lanes (5μl/lane) >Ultra-pure production allows for economical ambient shipping | ||||
PR4005-500 | SmartCheck DNA Ladder, 50bp, 500 lanes | |||
PR4010-500 | SmartCheck DNA Ladder, 100bp, 500 lanes | |||
PR4100-500 | SmartCheck DNA Ladder, 1kb- 500 lanes | |||
QuickSilver™ 电泳缓冲液粉剂 | ||||
QuickSilver Powdered Buffer Packs offer the convenience to quickly make fresh 1X buffer on demand. >Premeasured pouches with quick dissolving powder >Each pouch makes 1L of 1X buffer - just add water >No pH adjustment needed >Economical shipping, long shelf life >Guaranteed quality and consistency | ||||
EB1000 | TAE Buffer Packs, 100 pouches (1L of 1X/pouch) | |||
EB1001 | TBE Buffer Packs, 50 pouches (1L of 1X/pouch) | |||
EB1002 | Fast Running Buffer Packs, 100 pouches (1L of 1X/pouch) | |||
Other buffers also available. Ask for details. | ||||
Benchmark 琼脂糖 LE | ||||
Benchmark Agarose LE is a general purpose agarose. Highly purified, it is refined using an advanced process that excludes the use of organic solvents. >Enhanced resolution and clarity >Low EEO/increased electrophoretic mobility >RNase, DNase and Protease free >Green choice - free from organic solvents | ||||
A1700 | Benchmark Agarose LE, 25g | |||
A1701 | Benchmark Agarose LE, 100g | |||
A1705 | Benchmark Agarose LE, 500g | |||
Also available in convenient 0.5g tablets. Low Melt, High Resolution and Blended 3:1 agaroses are also available. Check our website for details. |
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