Sub-Cell 浸没式水平电泳槽(subcell)家族有7种型号,可适合多种应用。
其中的5 种型号含有制胶器,可自己铺制琼脂糖电泳。
如果需要更多的方便,ReadyAgarose 预制胶可与Mini-Sub 和ReadySub-Cell 两种型号匹配,为你节省了时间并保证了高的凝胶可重复性。
Sub-Cell 家族的主要特点:★ 带有荧光标尺的紫外透光凝胶盘★ 多种不同大小的手铺胶选择★ 适合所有需要的电泳梳— 多通道移液器兼容电泳梳、高度固定的drop-in电泳梳、高度可调节的电泳梳和制备型电泳梳★ 更换简便的电极夹高通量的96 型和192 型Sub-Cell 电泳槽具有以下特点:★ 缓冲液再循环口适合高电压或延长运行的需要★ 每个电泳梳可容纳48 个样品及3 个标准泳道,孔间距与多通道移液器匹配★ 凝胶盘宽25 cm,长度有10-25 cm 多种选择★ IEC 1010 ( EN 61010) 电器安全性认证DNA 限制性酶消化样品在宽式Mini-Sub Cell GT 电泳槽内电泳。
Sub-Cell GT 电泳槽Sub-Cell GT 电泳槽是Sub-Cell 家族能灵活的水平电泳槽,具有广范的凝胶长度、样品梳和分离 模式选择,可理想地用于Southern 和northern 杂交等操作。
Bio-Rad 小型电泳槽 60V、1.5 小时就能分离EcoRI 或HindIII 消化的lambda噬菌体DNA 产物。
小片段DNA 分离只需150V、15 分 钟。
对于多样品快速筛选应用,宽式subcell 更理想。
由于所有小型subcell 都能容纳ReadyAgarose 预制胶,它们也为常规分离节省了时间。
高通量电泳槽96 型、192 型Sub-Cell 电泳槽是专为多样品、高通量分析而开发的。
电泳槽和分析电泳梳的设计以多通 道移液器的固定间距为基础。
在96 型上应用51- 孔电泳梳,一排可电泳48 个样品加上3 个DNA 分子量标准 品。
如果使用2 个电泳梳,微孔板的所有96 个样品都可在一块凝胶上电泳,使其成为PCR 片段分析的 佳选择。
192 型电泳槽可容纳超过2 个微孔板的样品。
它的超长设计使它成为RFLP、Southern 和Norhtern 杂 交、分离质粒DNA 限制性消化产物的理想选择。
预制方便:ReadyAgarose系统Sub-Cell 产品系列包括ReadySub-Cell 电泳槽,它是ReadyAgarose 预制胶系统的组成。
ReadyAgarose 预制胶安全地固定于ReadySub-Cell 电泳槽,并具有方便和可重复性的特点。
ReadyAgarose 预制胶系统。
图中所示2 种ReadySub-Cell 电泳槽和2 种大小的ReadyAgarose 预制胶。
Sub-Cell 选择指南Mini-Sub Cell GT*小型 ReadySub-Cell GT*宽式Mini-Sub Cell GT**宽式小型 ReadySub-Cell GT**Sub-Cell GT**96型*** Sub-Cell192 型***Sub-Cell凝胶盘大小(OD), (W x L)7 x 7 cm 7 x 10 cm7 x 10 cm15 x 7 cm 15 x 10 cm15 x 10 cm15 x 10 cm 15 x 15 cm 15 x 20 cm 15 x 25 cm25 x 10 cm 25 x 15 cm25 x 10 cm 25 x 15 cm 25 x 20 cm 25 x 25 cm容纳ReadyAgarose 凝胶是是否否否包括制胶器有无有无有有样品通量8–30†8 或1210–60†20, 32, 或2 x 321–120††24–96†24–192††基座缓冲液容量~270 ml~650 ml~1 L ~2 L ~3 L缓冲液再循环无溴酚蓝染料4.5 cm/hr~4.5 cm/hr~4.5 cm/hr~3.0 cm/hr~6.2 cm/hr~5.2 cm/hr迁移速度(75 V)(75 V)(75 V)(75 V)(200 V)(200 V)* 小型电泳梳架(货号#170-4331)和高度可调电泳梳适合两种型号。
** 电泳梳架(货号#170-4320)和高度可调电泳梳适合所有型号。
† 样品通量定义:每块凝胶1-2 个电泳梳的通量值。
†† 样品通量定义:每块凝胶1-4 个电泳梳的通量值。
多种凝胶大小的手铺选择Sub-Cell 电泳槽含有两种用于手工铺胶的配件。
使用相应大小的凝胶盘,铺制门(图右上角)可方便地在凝胶槽里 直接铺制。
制胶指南电泳槽凝胶盘规格铺制门或制胶器仅制胶器Mini-Sub Cell GT7 x 7 cm★7 x 10 cm★宽式Mini-Sub Cell GT15 x 7 cm15 x 10 cmSub-Cell GT15 x 10 cm15 x 15 cm15 x 20 cm15 x 25 cm Sub-Cell GT 与原始Sub-Cell 系统(1996 年以前售出的)的兼容性除了2 个配件外,所有Sub-Cell GT 配件都可与原始Sub-Cell 系统兼容。
新的Mini-Sub Cell GT 电泳槽的凝胶 盘更深,能铺制更厚的凝胶,不能与原始Mini-Sub 凝胶盘互换。
高度固定的drop-in 电泳梳适合于Sub Cell GT 的UV- 透光盘,因为这些盘才有放置电泳梳的凹口。
仍然提供原始Mini-Sub Cell 凝胶盘。
所有GT 电泳槽 凝胶盘都适合原始宽式Mini-Sub Cell 和Sub-Cell 系统。
提供原始Sub-Cell 和Sub-Cell GT 系统的备用部件。
详细信 息,请与当地Bio-Rad 销售代表联系。
【订货信息】 目录描述Sub-Cell GT Systems170-4401Sub-Cell GT System, with 15 x 10 cm tray170-4402Sub-Cell GT System, with 15 x 15 cm tray170-4403Sub-Cell GT System, with 15 x 20 cm tray170-4404Sub-Cell GT System, with 15 x 25 cm tray170-4405Wide Mini-Sub Cell GT System, with 15 x 7 cm tray170-4406Mini-Sub Cell GT System, with 7 x 7 cm tray170-4466Mini-Sub Cell GT System, with 7 x 10 cm tray170-4467Mini-Sub Cell GT System, with 7 x 10 cm tray, mini-gel caster170-4468Wide Mini-Sub Cell GT System, with 15 x 10 cm tray170-4469Wide Mini-Sub Cell GT System, with 15 x 10 cm tray, mini-gel caster170-4481Sub-Cell GT System, with 15 x 10 cm tray, gel caster170-4482Sub-Cell GT System, with 15 x 15 cm tray, gel caster170-4483Sub-Cell GT System, with 15 x 20 cm tray, gel caster170-4484Sub-Cell GT System, with 15 x 25 cm tray, gel caster170-4485Wide Mini-Sub Cell GT System, with 15 x 7 cm tray, mini-gel caster170-4486Mini-Sub Cell GT System, with 7 x 7 cm tray, mini-gel casterSub-Cell Models 96 and 192 Systems170-4500Sub-Cell Model 96 Cell, with 25 x 10 cm tray, gel caster170-4501Sub-Cell Model 96 Cell, with 25 x 15 cm tray, gel caster170-4502Sub-Cell Model 96 Cell, with 25 x 10 cm tray170-4503Sub-Cell Model 96 Cell, with 25 x 15 cm tray170-4504Sub-Cell Model 192 Cell, with 25 x 10 cm tray, gel caster170-4505Sub-Cell Model 192 Cell, with 25 x 15 cm tray, gel caster170-4506Sub-Cell Model 192 Cell, with 25 x 20 cm tray, gel caster170-4507Sub-Cell Model 192 Cell, with 25 x 25 cm tray, gel caster170-4508Sub-Cell Model 192 Cell, with 25 x 10 cm tray170-4509Sub-Cell Model 192 Cell, with 25 x 15 cm tray170-4510Sub-Cell Model 192 Cell, with 25 x 20 cm tray170-4511Sub-Cell Model 192 Cell, with 25 x 25 cm trayCombs for Mini Sub-Cell Electrophoresis Systems170-433215-Well Comb, 2.6 mm wide wells, 1.0 mm thick, adjustable height170-43338-Well Comb, 5.5 mm wide wells, 1.0 mm thick, adjustable height170-4342Preparative Comb, 1 preparative, 2 reference wells, 3 mm thick, adjustable height170-4460Preparative Comb, 1 preparative, 2 reference wells, 1.5 mm thick, fixed height170-4461Preparative Comb, 2 preparative, 2 reference wells, 1.5 mm thick, fixed height170-44628-Well Comb, 5.5 mm wide wells, 0.75 mm thick, fixed height170-44638-Well Comb, 5.5 mm wide wells, 1.5 mm thick, fixed height170-446415-Well Comb, 3 mm wide wells, 0.75 mm thick, fixed height170-446515-Well Comb, 3 mm wide wells, 1.5 mm thick, fixed heightCombs for Sub-Cell and Wide Mini-Sub Cell Electrophoresis Cells170-432120-Well Comb, 14 cm wide, 0.75 mm thick, adjustable height170-432220-Well Comb, 14 cm wide, 1.5 mm thick, adjustable height170-432315-Well Comb, 14 cm wide, 0.75 thick, adjustable height170-432415-Well Comb, 14 cm wide, 1.5 mm thick, adjustable height170-432510-Well Comb, 14 cm wide, 0.75 mm thick, adjustable height170-432610-Well Comb, 14 cm wide, 1.5 mm thick, adjustable height170-434430-Well Comb, 14 cm wide, 1.5 mm thick, adjustable height170-444310-Well Comb, 14 cm wide, 0.75 mm thick, fixed height170-444410-Well Comb, 14 cm wide, 1.5 mm thick, fixed height170-444515-Well Comb, 14 cm wide, 0.75 mm thick, fixed height170-444615-Well Comb, 14 cm wide, 1.5 mm thick, fixed height170-444820-Well Comb, 14 cm wide, 1.5 mm thick, fixed height170-444930-Well Comb, 14 cm wide, 1.5 mm thick, fixed heightMultichannel Pipet-Compatible Combs for Sub-Cell GT and Wide Mini-Sub Cell GT170-4450Multichannel Pipet-Compatible Comb, 10 wells, 0.75 mm thick, fixed height170-4451Multichannel Pipet-Compatible Comb, 10 wells, 1.5 mm thick, fixed height170-4452Multichannel Pipet-Compatible Comb, 14 wells, 0.75 mm thick, fixed height170-4453Multichannel Pipet-Compatible Comb, 14 wells, 1.5 mm thick, fixed height170-4454Multichannel Pipet-Compatible Comb, 18 wells, 0.75 mm thick, fixed height170-4455Multichannel Pipet-Compatible Comb, 18 wells, 1.5 mm thick, fixed height170-4456Multichannel Pipet-Compatible Comb, 26 wells, 0.75 mm thick, fixed height170-4457Multichannel Pipet-Compatible Comb, 26 wells, 1.5 mm thick, fixed heightPreparative Combs for Sub-Cell and Wide Mini-Sub Cell Systems170-4328Preparative Comb for Sub-Cell and Wide Mini-Sub Cell Systems, 1 preparative, 2 reference wells, 3 mm thick, adjustable height170-4440Preparative Comb for Sub-Cell and Wide Mini-Sub Cell Systems, 1 preparative, 2 reference wells, 1.5 mm thick, fixed height170-4441Preparative Comb for Sub-Cell and Wide Mini-Sub Cell Systems, 2 preparative, 2 reference wells, 1.5 mm thick, adjustable heightAdjustable-Height Combs for Sub-Cell Systems 96 and 192170-452726-Well Comb, 6 mm wide wells, 1.5 mm thick170-452951-Well Comb, 3 mm wide wells, 1.5 mm thick170-4530Preparative Comb, 2 or 4 preparative, 2 reference wells, 0.75 mm thick170-4531Preparative Comb, 2 or 4 preparative, 2 reference wells, 1.5 mm thickComb Holders170-4320Comb Holder, for Sub-Cell and wide Mini-Sub Cell adjustable-height combs170-4331Mini-Comb Holder, for Mini-Sub Cell adjustable-height combs170-4525Sub-Cell Models 96 and 192 Comb Holder更多详细资料请登录www.cbio21.com查询