CYROLITE°G-20化合物是一种冲击改性丙酸基多聚合物,用于医疗应用的成型和挤压。CYROLITE"G-20化合物的典型特性是:优良的耐油脂化学性、优良的粘合和焊接性能、优良的与PVC管的粘合性、良好的冲击强度、良好的透光性、良好的耐热性、良好的抗ETO、V和电子束消毒,用于医宁器械的注射成型和挤压。医疗包装,以及食品包装、玩具和电器配件。 CYROLITE G-20 compound is an impa-modified aciv/ic-baed mulipolymer fomolding and extrusion of medical applications. Typical properties of CYROLITE G-20 compound are: excellent chemical resistance to fats and oils excelentbonding and welding capabilties excellent bonding to PVC tubing good impact strength good light transmission good heat resistance good resistance to EtOamma and E-beam sterilizalion BP5, BPA, and DEHP free APPLICATON: Used for iniection molding and extrusion of medical devices