Vi-Chem PVC V142-70是一种易弯曲的聚氯乙燃材料。该产品在北美洲有供货。 Vi-hem PVC V142-701的典型应用领域为:汽车行业PLEXIGIA+ H-GlOS NTA-3 is a compound with an increased heat delection temperature based on polymethy methacrvlate (PMMA).Besides the welknown properties of PLEXIGLAS* molding compound, such as ood flow high mar esistance good weather resistance good polishabilty PLEXIGLAS* H-Glo:NTA-3 offers the added benefit of increased heat delection emperature under load.Applicaton: PLEXIGLAS H-GlOS NTA-3 is particularly suitable forinjection molding technical components. 0wing to its superior brilliance, high-gloss (Class A) surfaces can be obtained in opaque colors. Examples.automotive body parts: window channels, pillar panels