EN ISO12100:2010 机械安全 - 用于设计的一般准则-风险评估及风险降低
EN60204-1:2018 机械安全.机械电气设备.第1部分:一般要求
EN 815:1996+A2:2008 Safety of unshielded tunnel boring machinesand rodless shaft boring machines for rock - Safetyre岩石用非屏蔽隧道掘进机和无杆竖井掘进机的安全.安全要求
3、EN 815:1996+A2:2008适用范围:
This standard is applicable to unshieldsed tunnel boringmachines, TBM's, and rodless shaft boring machines, SBM's, andtheir towed or attached back-up e for driving tunnels orshafts in rock where the whole area is excavated in one or moresteps by mechanical means. It specifies essential safetyre for the design, construction and maintenance of suchmachines when used in non-explosive atmosphere together with themethods of verification. The standard specifies monitoring forhazardous atmosphere. For TBM's and SBM's which are to be usedcontinuously in explosive atmosphere, additional relevant standardsalso apply.
4、EN 815:1996+A2:2008 欧盟CE认证测试、检查项目
Contact surfaces | 材接触面 |
Hazards due to sharp and rough parts | 尖锐和粗糙零件造成的危险 |
Hazards due to hot surfaces | 热表面造成的危险 |
Hoses and pipes under pressure | 受压软管和管道 |
Cutter head | 刀盘,刀盘 |
Transport and lifting | 运输和吊装 |
Handling of machine parts | 机器零件的搬运 |
Handling of elements for rock support | 岩石支护构件的处理 |
Gripping and regripping | 夹持和重新夹持 |
Access to and egress from operating positions andservicing points | 进出操作位置和维修点 |
Walkways | 走道 |
Access openings | 通道开口 |
Falling objects | 坠落物体 |
Control points | 控制点 |
Visibility | 可见度 |
Cab | 驾驶室 |
Guards and protective devices | 防护装置和保护装置 |
Specification of guards | 防护装置规格 |
Access to cutter head | 接近刀盘 |
Control systems and devices | 控制系统和设备 |
Starting | 启动 |
Warning systems | 警告系统 |
Stopping | 正在停止 |
Emergency stopping | 紧急停车 |
Failure of the power supply | 电源故障 |
Towing connection | 牵引连接 |
Laser guidance | 激光制导 |
Dust suppression | 粉尘抑制 |
Dedusting | 除尘 |
Atmospheric changes | 大气变化 |
Methane monitoring | 甲烷监测 |
Monitoring for other gases | 其他气体监测 |
Noise | 噪音 |
Protective measures | 防护措施 |
Cables and leads | 电缆和导线 |
Transformers | 变压器 |
Bonding | 粘接 |
Switch gear | 开关装置 |
Lighting | 照明设备 |
Emergency lighting | 应急照明 |
Isolation of power supply | 电源隔离 |
Energy supply other than electricity | 电力以外的能源供应 |
Fire extinguishing system | 灭火系统 |
Fixed fire extinguishing systems | 固定式灭火系统 |
Installation of portable fire extinguishers | 便携式灭火器的安装 |
Water sprays | 喷水装置 |
1 提交CE申请
2 准备测试样机和技术资料
3 样机测试与整改
4 技术资料审核与整改
5 公告机构审核通过后,工厂获得CE证书
6 设备加贴CE标识,顺利在欧盟市场流通
所属分类:中国商务服务网 / 机械行业认证