GPSD指General Product Safety Directive,译为通用产品安全指令,GPSD是一系列产品安全专门法规的基础,2006年7月22日欧盟委员会发布第2001/95/EC标准法规GPSD指令的标准清单,取代以前公布的所有官方标准清单,有关标准由欧洲标准化组织按欧盟委员会指示制定的,涉及运动设备、童装、奶嘴、打火机、自行车、家具(包括折叠床)等产品。
1. EN 13899: 2003 — Roller sports equipment — Roller skates — Safety requirements and test methods
2. EN 13138-2: 2003 — Buoyant aids for swimming instruction — Part 2: Safety requirements and test methods for buoyant aids to be held
3. EN 13319: 2000 — Diving ac c essories — Depth gauges and c o mbined depth and time measuring devices —Functional and safety requirements, test methods
4. EN 1651:1999 — Paragliding equipment — Harnesses — Safety requirements and strength tests
5. EN 12491: 2001 — Paragliding equipment — Emergency parachutes — Safety requirements and test methods
6. EN 913: 1996 — Gymnastic equipment — General safety requirements and test methods
7. EN 12655:1998 — Gymnastic equipment — Hanging rings — Functional and safety requirements, test methods
8. EN 12197:1997 — Gymnastic equipment — Horizontal bars — Safety requirements and test methods
9. EN 12346:1998 — Gymnastic equipment — Wall bars, lattice ladders and climbing frames — Safety requirements and test methods
10. EN 12432:1998 — Gymnastic equipment — Balancing beams — Functional and safety requirements, test methods