英国威格斯PEEK 450G 耐高温产品介绍:
450G PEEK树脂在高温下能保持较高的强度,它在200℃时的弯曲强度达24MPa左右,在250℃下弯曲强度和压缩强度仍有12~13MPa;PEEK树脂的刚性较大,尺寸稳定性较好,线胀系数较小,非常接近于金属铝材料;
450G PEEK具有优异的耐化学药品性,在通常的化学药品中,只有浓能溶解或者破坏它,它的耐腐蚀性与镍钢相近,其自身具有阻燃性,在火焰条件下释放烟和有毒气体少,抗辐射能力强;PEEK树脂的韧性好,对交变应力的优良耐疲劳性是所有塑料中*出众的,可与合金材料媲美; PEEK材料还具有自润滑性好、易加工、绝缘性稳定、耐水解等优异性能,
英国威格斯PEEK 450G 耐高温详解:
which we call the Markov coupling. Whenever the joint distribution of X ,
(Y ,Y, Y ), and γ arises, we assume thatthis coupling is in e?ect.It is evident from the de?nition of χ that there is considerable latitude inchoosing how X depends on Y . This is because the sole constraint on the choice of X only depends on the joint distribution of X and (Y, YL+1). But as the following de?nition makes clear, this freedom is inconsequential since our outer bound only depends on the distributions of 450G