联邦快递隶属于美国联邦快递集团(FedEx Corp.),是集团快递运输业务的中坚力量。
联邦快递(FedEx Express)
联邦快递在1971年由前美国海军陆战队队员Frederick W. Smith在阿肯色州小石城创立,但在1973年迁往田纳西州孟菲斯,因为小石城机场官员拒绝为公司提供设施。
现时联邦快递每天为210个城市的300万名顾客服务,主要竞争对手包括DHL、UPS及美国邮政 9600万美元的风险投资孵化了联邦快递,也创下了美国有史以来单项投资的*高记录。
FedEx is one of the first foreign companies to focus on the huge market in China. It entered China in 1984. Over the past 20 years, FedEx has developed rapidly, reaching one level a year, achieving impressive performance, and creating many of the world's best. From the original two flights a week, it now has 11 flights in and out of China every week, making it an international express company with a large number of direct flights to China; In 1996, there were only 60 express service cities, but now there are 220 cities; In 1999, FedEx and Tianjin Datian Group established a joint venture Datian FedEx Co., Ltd. in Beijing. The smooth cooperation and close cooperation between the two sides further promoted the development of China's express delivery business. The first phase of the FedEx Asia Pacific Hub project was started in Huadong Town, Huadu District, Guangzhou on January 16th. The Asia Pacific Hub was put into operation in October 2008. FedEx is the first multinational freight giant to establish an intercontinental transshipment center in China. It has brought China $150 million in investment, 600000 tons of cargo per year, and the opportunity for Baiyun Airport to take off.
After the transfer center is completed and put into use, there will be 228 cargo flights per week in the initial stage, with a package sorting capacity of 24000 pieces per hour. Since December 2008, the hub has assumed the business of the Asia Pacific hub originally located in the Philippines. FedEx can add more than 600000 tons of cargo throughput to Baiyun Airport in one year, and it will increase to 800000 to 1000000 tons in the future.