XANTAR PC LDS 3760---Laser Direct Structuring (LDS)*, Flame Retardant (Halogen free), HIgh Flow, Black color only
*The compound is intended specifically for the use in the process of manufacturing conducting path designs according to the German application of the patent 101 32 092 of LPKF Laser & Electronics AG. Please address straight to LPKF Laser & Electronics AG
根据LPKF Laser&Electronics AG专利101 32 092的德国申请,该化合物专门用于制造导电路径设计的过程。请直接联系LPKF Laser&Electronics AG。
XANTAR™ PC LDS 3760 >PC-FR(40)<
阻燃等级: V-1 • V-0
熔融指数: 29 g/10min
缺口冲击: 55 kJ/m²
热变形温度: 105 °C
颜色: 黑色
加工方式: 3D打印 • 激光烧结
材料属性: 无卤阻燃
符合规定: UL
材料特性: 高流动性
材料用途: 手机 • 激光打标(LDS)