DHL 商务官兼客户解决方案与创新主管 Katja Busch 评论道:“中东和非洲是我们*有活力的地区之一。我们很自豪能够将 DHL 创新方法引入迪拜南部,这是该地区理想的站。我们未来的成功取决于我们如何在快速发展的商业和物流环境中为客户提供支持。我们期待带来以客户为中心的创新、启发灵感并应用我们经过验证的创新方法来解决我们的客户问题,以便该地区的同事能够支持他们自信地应对变化。
Mohsen Ahmad Alawadhi, executive officer of Dubai Southern Logistics District, said: Dubai is the epitome of sexual thinking and celebrates innovation. Therefore, South Dubai is pleased to be the location of the DHL Mobile Innovation Center in the logistics area, which proves its position as the local and regional hub of the industry. The concept and innovative implementation of the center are consistent with the ambition of southern Dubai to become the next generation of innovation-led logistics center in the region. "
The Mobile Innovation Center will hold a series of exhibits around key technologies, which will shape the future logistics industry and prove the concept of successful implementation in DHL operation. The exhibits have been carefully planned to reflect the unique demands of DHL customers in the region, focusing on the optimization of the Internet of Things, artificial intelligence, robots, bionic enhancement and data analysis in the fields of supply chain analysis, warehouse digital twins and one-mile delivery.
"The Innovation Center is the * * of the DHL Innovation Program, which has its own trend research department, proven innovation seminar methods, and a calendar of thought leadership activities for in-depth research on technologies affecting the logistics industry. Matthias Heutger, vice president of DHL Customer Solutions and Innovation Global Innovation and Business Development * * explained that IC will package this method and provide our customers with a highly relevant agenda to reflect in this The possibility of regional business.
The Mobile Innovation Center is the fourth innovation center of DHL in the world - second only to Chicago in the United States; Cologne, Germany; And Singapore; And completely mobile. The Mobile Innovation Center is a modular building, which is transported by container from Germany to Dubai, and then assembled on site in the south of Dubai. The facility is expected to stay in Dubai until 2022, and then move to Qatar, which is the next location in the area it crosses, and is expected to continue until 2027.