PMMAVH 001标准丙烯酸树脂中,耐热性好适用于汽车尾灯,工业机器镜头等
PMMAMD 001平衡成型性、耐热性,用途广泛适用于一般日常用品,文具,餐具,装饰品等
PMMAMF 001流动性特佳,容易注塑大型或薄壁产品适用于造型复杂或薄壁产品,如杯类,碗碟,电子铭牌,钟表表面等
PMMAVH5 000 导光板级,耐热性好,流动性好液晶显示器用导光板(注塑)
PMMATF8 000 导光板级,流动性能好适用于薄型导光板
PMMATF9 000 导光板级,流动性能极好适用于薄型导光板
PMMAVH6 001 导光板级,挤出成型用适用于厚壁挤出成型板
PMMAIRK304 001 IRK系列抗冲击性牌号,均衡了抗冲击性,耐热性,成型性适用于遮阳板,汽车外立柱装饰条
PMMA ACRYLIC, characteristics 1, with crystal-like transparency, transmittance of more than 92% , soft light, clear vision, with dye-colored Acrylic and a good exhibition effect. 2. Acrylic panels have excellent weather resistance, higher surface hardness and surface gloss, and better high temperature properties. 3, acrylic plate has good processing performance, can be used in hot forming, can also be processed by mechanical means. Transparent acrylic panels have a light transmittance comparable to that of glass, but are only half as dense. Moreover, it is not as fragile as glass, and when broken, it does not form sharp fragments as glass does. The wear resistance of acrylic plate is similar to that of aluminum, with good stability and corrosion resistance to various chemicals. 6. Acrylic board has good printability and spraying property. Suitable printing and spraying process can give acrylic products an ideal surface decoration effect. 7. FLAMMABILITY: Do not self-ignite but is flammable, do not have self-extinguishing.