Clark-Reliance公司有100年以上的历史, 玻璃板液位计就是该公司生产, 电接点液位计也同样是我们生产。
美国Clark reliance公司净化产品介绍
Purity Products
By providing mechanical separation, filtration, vacuum dehydration, or adsorption, the Purity Products Group delivers protection in critical-use applications.
通过提供机械分离,过滤,真空脱水或吸附,Purity Products Group在关键应用中提供保护。
Clark-Reliance® Filter Elements Clark-Reliance®滤芯
Clark-Reliance® Filter Elements are high-efficiency particle filter, separator and coalescing elements for critical use applications in the electric power generation, natural gas conditioning, refinery, petrochemical, chemical, biodiesel production, ethanol, methanol, butanol processing, metal working coolant, oil, fluid power and gas industries.
Clark-Reliance®过滤器元件是效颗粒过滤器,分离器和聚结元件,适用于发电,天然气调节,精炼,石化,化工,生物柴油生产,乙醇,甲醇,丁醇加工,金属加工冷却剂等关键应用 ,石油,流体动力和天然气工业。Separator 安德森分离器
Anderson Separator, an industry leader in mechanical separation, provides vessel internals to fabricators and OEM customers. Anderson manufactures mechanical, coalescing and filter separators to remove liquids and solids from steam and gases. A fully-integrated designer and fabricator of ASME pressure vessels, Anderson Separator provides quick delivery of standard vessels from stock.
机械分离行业的者安德森分离器(Anderson Separator)为制造商和OEM客户提供容器内部零件。 安德森制造机械,聚结和过滤器分离器,以去除蒸汽和气体中的液体和固体。 作为ASME压力容器的完全集成设计者和制造商,Anderson Separator可快速提供现货标准容器
Oil Filtration Systems 滤油机系统
Oil Filtration Systems manufactures purification systems for a wide
range of industrial oils and fuels. Its extensive variety of equipment
removes contaminants including all three forms of water (free, emulsified and dissolved), particulate, entrained gas, varnish and acid from industrial fluids, preventing the unnecessary disposal of millions of gallons of oil and fuel each year.
机油滤清系统为各种工业用油和燃料制造净化系统。 设备种类繁多
Enervac is an experienced and reliable global leader in the purification of insulating gasses and insulating fluids for critical-use electrical applications since 1978. ENERVAC’s High Vacuum Process upgrades the new or used electrical insulating fluids including transformer oils, polybutenes and silicone fluids. ENERVAC produces a complete line of SF6 recovery and test equipment, from full-sized gas reclaimers down to small decomposition detectors
自1978年以来,Enervac在关键用途电气应用的绝缘气体和绝缘流体的净化方面一直是经验丰富且可信赖者。ENERVAC的高真空工艺可对新的或使用过的电气绝缘流体进行升级,包括变压器油,聚丁烯和硅油。 ENERVAC生产完整的SF6回收和测试设备线,从大型气体回收器到小型分解检测器