National Exhibition and Convention Center (Shanghai)
23-27 September 2025
Introduction to China International Industry Fair
自1999 年创办以来,每年秋季在上海举办,已成功举办二十余届。
China International Industry Fair (CIIF) is the longest-running national-level industrial event named after
China. Since its launch in 1999, CIIF has been staged in autumn annually in Shanghai for more than 20
sessions successfully.
CIIF is dedicated to the promotion of emerging industries and new economy and reinforcing its pivotal role in
high-end sectors, while it convenes leading experts and thought leaders, spearheads technological innovation
trends across industries, and endeavors to foster an open, innovative, and inclusive industrial ecosystem.
CIIF stands as one of the largest-in-scale industrial events in China with the most exhibitors, the widest range
of industry exhibits, and the highest level of internationalization - showcasing the entire spectrum of smart
and sustainable manufacturing supply chain including foundational materials, key components, cutting-edge
manufacturing equipment and solutions.
As a communication bridge for showcasing and networking events in the advanced manufacturing sector,
CIIF combines the four major functions of exhibition, trade, awards, and forums, through implementing
professionalization, market-orientation, internationalization, and branding as its strategies for more
than two decades. Aligning with national strategies and fostering real economy, CIIF has grown into an
important window and spot open to the world for international trade, communication and cooperation on
industrial scope. Just as its counterpart Hannover Messe in Germany, CIIF has achieved its objective to be
recognized internationally as one of China's most influential industrial brand exhibitions and a prestigious
platform to promote the exchange, interaction, and integration of China's industry as well as its high-quality
achievements with the world.
第二十五届中国国际工业博览会将于2025 年9 月23-27 日在国家会展中心(上海)隆重举行,规划展览面积达30 万平方米。数控机床与金属加工展(MWCS)是中国工博会的核心展之一,展览面积8 万平方米,展商超过600 家,将按照展品门类分为“三大展区”:
◆ 激光加工& 钣金冲压技术展区
◆ 金属切削& 增材制造技术展区
◆ 机床配套功能部件及周边产品展区
观众群涵盖汽车、模具、工业零部件、机器人、自动化、电子/ 信息通讯、金属制品、轨道交通、
The 25th China International Industry Fair (CIIF 2025)will be held during 23-27 of September 2025, at
National Exhibition and Convention Center (Shanghai), with estimated over 300,000m2 show space.
metalworking & CNC Machine Tool Show(MWCS)is one of the core theme shows of CIIF, having 80,000m2
show spaces, and about 600 exhibitors. In terms of exhibits categories, MWCS is classified into 3 parts:
◆ metal forming, Sheet metal & Laser-working Technology
◆ metal Cutting & Additive Manufacturing Technology
◆ Functional Components & Relevant Products
Industry attendees come from manufacturing sectors, such as Automobile, Die & Mould, Industry Parts,
Mechanical Engineering, Electronic, Household Appliance, Info-communication, 3C Products, National
Defense, Aviation & Aerospace, Medical Equipment, Shipbuilding, Packaging Machines, Railway
Transportation, Elevator, Heating/Ventilation, and Construction & Agriculture Machinery.
Besides thousands of products show, there are also tens of concurrent events/conferences/workshops
available, such as“International Forum on Innovation and Emerging Industries Development”,“ World
Autonomous Vehicle Ecosystem Conference” ,“International Industrial Internet Conference”,“China
Robot Industry Summit”, and so on