本公司经销合信/CO-TRUST科思创西门子PLC;S7-200S7-300 S7-400 S7-1200 触摸屏,变频器,6FC,6SNS120 V10 V60 V80伺服数控备件:原装进口电机,电线,电缆,希望能跟您有更多的合作机会
概述Single station configurationThe single station configuration represents the smallest possible system configuration in which all software modules (Administration, Engineering, Monitoring & Control, PDM) can run in parallel on one computer. It includes a possibility of operation via a local web client. Access via other web clients is possible in principle in this configuration as well.
Single station
Redundant system configurationA single station configuration can also be set up with a redundant structure to increase availability. To avoid having to change the computer for Monitoring & Control during redundancy switchover, however, we recommend using a remote web clients instead of a local browser.
Redundant system configuration
Distributed system configurationFor a larger quantity structure, a distributed system configuration with assignment of servers by area for Monitoring & Control is recommended. Depending on the importance of the plant area, the servers can be single or redundant. By means of dedicated hardware for the engineering server and the Process Historian, the different performance requirements of these applications can be optimally served.
Distributed system configuration
Virtualized system configurationsAll above mentioned system configurations can also be used virtualized in the context of SiVaaS ("Siemens Virtualization as a Service"). The web interface remains unchanged. Communication on the plant bus with the automation systems can also take place in a virtual environment, in principle. Because the virtualization environment can have repercussions on the plant operation due to configuration errors or incompatibilities, support can only be guaranteed with the use of a pre-tested virtualization configuration (SIVaaS).
Quantity structuresFor SIMATIC PCS neo V4.0, the following quantity structure limits currently apply – provided that the recommendations for the system hardware are adhered to:
Number of M&C servers with single design | 8 |
Number of M&C servers with redundant design | 8 |
AS connected to an M&C server | 16 (redundant AS count double) |
M&C clients simultaneously active on an M&C server | 16 floating M&C clients for single station configuration: 4 floating M&C clients |
Simultaneously active clients active on the server | 10 floating ES clients |
Number of monitors per client | 4 |
Number of trends per trend window | 16 |
Total number of process objects* in the project | 64000 |
Number of process objects* per M&C server | 8 000 (single station configuration: 750) |
Number of process objects* per AS | 2 000 |
Number of archive tags in the Process Historian | 160000 |
*Process object = message-type block, SFC instance or connectivity process object for monitoring and control
Dynamic system limitsFor SIMATIC PCS neo V4.0, the following dynamic system limits currently apply – provided that the recommendations for the system hardware are adhered to:
Number of process value changes per second on an M&C server | 8 000 |
Number of archive value changes per second (PH) | 64000 |
Continuous alarm load | 10 |
Alarm peak load per M&C server | 8000 alarms in 10 seconds, 60 seconds processing time |
Typical display refresh time for display with 100 PO symbols | < 2 sec. |