2025-03-13 03:10  浏览:0

Purpose: this product USES high pressure polyinsulation with small interface constant.

矿用信号电缆主要技术性能及指标:20℃时导体直流电阻 Ω/km 7/0.28 ≤45 7/0.28(3钢4铜)≤73 1/0.8≤36.7固有衰减(800~1000HZ) dB/km ≤1.1 ≤1.3 ≤0.95 20℃时电缆绝缘线芯绝缘电阻 MΩ.km ≥3000  线对工作电容(800~1000HZ) uF/km ≤0.06  近端串音衰减(800~1000HZ) dB/500m ≥70 电感(800~1000HZ) uH/km ≤800 耐交流工频电压 1.5KV/1min通过 直流电阻差 ≤环阻的2%

矿用信号电缆的使用特性:导体的长期允许工作温度-40~+50℃;平均最大相对湿度为≤95%(+25℃时)允许附设与安装的温度应不大于-10℃ 最小弯曲半径:MHYV、MHJYV型电缆为电缆外径的10倍,其它型号的电缆为外径的15倍



|MHYV mine cable |MHYVR mine cable |MHYVP mine shielded cable |MHY32 mine cable |MHYVRP mine shielded cable | mine monitoring cable? Mining cables, suitable for transmission in mines, can be used or fixed. ? Fire retardant cable for mine (now referred to as fire retardant communication cable for coal mine)? 1. Product adoption: mt818-1999? MHYVR (PUYVR)? (1 x 2? 1 x 4? 2 x 2? 3 x 2? 4 x 2? 5 x 2? 6 x 2? 8 x 2? 10 x 2?) Polyurethane polyurethane sheathed mine cable for general transmission in mine. ? MHY32 (puyv39-1)? (1 x 2? 1 x 4? 2 x 2? 3 x 2? 4 x 2? 5 x 2? 6 x 2? 8 x 2? 10 * 2) 1/1.0, 1/1.38 poly-insulated steel wire armored poly-chloride sheath coal mine cables are used for transmission in roadway or shaft or inclined shaft. MHYV (PUYV) (1 times 2? 1 x 4? 2 x 2? 3 x 2? 4 x 2? 5 x 2? 6 x 2? 8 x 2? 10 * 2) 1/1.0, 1/1.38 polyurethane polyurethane sheath coal mine cables are used for general transmission in mines and are suitable for fixed installation. MHYVRP? 7/0.30, 7/0.37, 7/0.43, 7/0.52 (1 ~ 10 pairs, 1 x 4) polyinsulated copper wire braided shielding PVC sheathed coal mine cables, used for transmission in places with large electric fields. ? MHYVP? (1 x 2? 1 x 4? 2 x 2? 3 x 2? 4 x 2? 5 x 2? 6 x 2? 8 x 2? 10 x 2?) * 7/0.30, 7/0.37, 7/0.43, 7/0.52 poly-insulated PVC sheathed coal mine cables, used for transmission in places with large electric fields and for fixed laying. ?


In order to evaluate the flame-retardant performance of wire cables, iec 60332-1, iec 60332-2 and iec 60332-3 were formulated respectively. Iec60332-1 and iec60332-2 are respectively used to evaluate the flame retardant capability of a single cable when it is laid on an incline and vertically (corresponding to GB12666.3 and GB12666.4 in China). Iec60332-3 (domestic equivalent to gb12666.5-90) is used to evaluate the flame retardant capability of beam cable when it is vertical, compared with that of beam cable when it is vertical.


矿用阻燃信号电缆(现统称煤矿用阻燃通信电缆) 矿用测控信号电缆PUYV39-18X2X7/0.52

产品采用标准:MT818-1999 本产品用于煤矿井下监测、控制系统中低频信号传输线。

使用条件 :电缆使用环境温度为-40℃~+50℃;在25℃时湿度为95%;电缆敷设温度≥-10℃;电缆敷设时的弯曲半径MHYVR和MHYBV≥10倍电缆外径,其余型号≥15倍电缆外径。


使用条件 ●环境温度:-40~50℃ ●月平均最大相对温度:95%(+25℃) ●安装敷设环境温度:≥-10℃


电缆使用环境温度-40℃ ~ +50℃,电缆敷设温度≥-10℃,在25℃时的温度≤95%,电缆敷设时弯曲半径: MHYV31、MHYV型电缆≥ 10倍电缆外径 其余型号电缆≥15倍电缆外径

Product description: this product is suitable for ac rated voltage 450/750v and below power, household appliances, instruments, telecommunications equipment, lighting circuits and automation.


  2.2 电缆型式由系列代号、绝缘、护套材料代号、外护层和性能特征代号5个部分组成。产品执行GB国家标准。其中屏蔽型控制电缆,由于具有良好的评比性能得到电厂、电站的大量使用,电缆意义敷设在市内、电缆沟、管道、直埋、竖井等能承受较大机械拉里的固定场合。



This process specification provides for rated voltage 450/750v, single core 1.5-500mm2 PVC insulated or polyolefin insulated flame-retardant fire resistant soft cable; And 0.6/1kv single core 4~500mm2, 2~5 cores 1.5~240mm2 polychlorinated insulated or polyolefin insulated flame-retardant fire resistant flexible cables process specifications, technical requirements, and acceptance rules. The main models of this process specification are: rated voltage 450/750v: za-rv; WDZA - RY, etc. Rated voltage 0.6/1kv: za-rvv, za-rvv22, wdza-ryy, wdza-ryy23, wdna-ryy, wdna-ryy23. 2? Usage characteristics, classification and nomenclature of cables 2.1? Service characteristics 2.1.1 cable rated operating voltage: 450/750v, 600/1000v. 2.1.3 temperature under installation should not below 0 ℃. 2.1.4 small bending radius of cables: unarmored cables: the flame retardant type is 6 times the outer diameter of cables, and the fire resistant type is 12 times the outer diameter of cables; The armored cable is 20 times the outer diameter of the cable. 2.2? The cable type consists of 5 parts: serial code, insulation, sheath material code, outer sheath and performance code.
