本公司经销合信/CO-TRUST科思创西门子PLC;S7-200S7-300 S7-400 S7-1200 触摸屏,变频器,6FC,6SNS120 V10 V60 V80伺服数控备件:原装进口电机,电线,电缆,希望能跟您有更多的合作机会
概述The power supplies can be used for the various SIDOOR controllers:
SIDOOR Transformer and Transformer UL power supply units: For masses of up to 400 kg and moderate performance.
SIDOOR AT40 and ATE500E elevator door drives
SIDOOR ATD4xxW machine tool door drives
SIDOOR ATE53xS platform screen door drives
SIDOOR NT40 switched mode power supply: For masses of up to 600 kg and maximum performance.
SIDOOR AT40 and ATE500E elevator door drives
SIDOOR ATD4xxW machine tool door drives
SITOP PSU8200 3-phase stabilized power supply, 36 V DC/13 A: For masses of up to 700 kg and maximum performance.
SIDOOR ATD4xxW machine tool door drives