低烟无卤电缆基本概述:● 其中卤素指针为:所有卤素的值≦50PPM(根据法规PREN 14582)● 燃烧后产生卤化氢气体的含量<100PPM(根据法规EN5067-2-1)● 燃烧后产生的卤化氢气体溶于水后的PH值≧4.3(弱酸性) (根据法规EN-50267-2-2)● 产品在密闭容器中燃烧后透过一束光线其透光率≧60%(根据法规EN-50268-2)● Pb<90PPM,Cd、Cr6+、Hg、PBBs、PBDEs均小于5PPM
Fire control cable USES: this product has high fire-resistant ability, can withstand direct flame combustion and in a certain period of time not short circuit or open circuit fault occur, when the fire broke out, to put out the fire and reduce the loss. It is suitable for electric devices and control systems in places with high fire risk and fire control importance. Product standard: Q/ 320831nhn004-1996 25 ℃ ~ + 105 ℃ and 60 ℃ ~ + 200 ℃. Two kinds of refractory characteristics: comply with GB12666.6-90: A class: the flame temperature of 950 ℃ to 1000 ℃ class B: flame temperature 750 ℃ to 800 ℃ the burning time of 90 min burning time: 90 min additional voltage 500 v 3 additional voltage 500 v 3 A current a. flame retardant properties: Comply with class A of gb12666.5-90 test • minimum allowable bending radius of cable: The armoured not less than 12 times the cable diameter models: main material PVC insulated PVC sheathed low smoke low halogen low smoke zero halogen sheath insulation fluorine plastic insulation Low smoke low halogen sheath fluorine plastic insulation Low smoke zero halogen sheath fluorine plastic insulation fluorine plastic sheath Single strand conductors without shielding NH - KVV NH - KV D Y D NH - KFV DNH KFY D NH - KFF single strands of copper conductor shielding NH - KVVP NH - KV D Y D P NH - KFV D P NH - KFY D P NH - KFFP single stranded conductor copper tape screened NH - KVVP 2 NH - KV D Y D P 2 NH - KFV D P 2 NH - KFY D P 2 NH - KFFP 2 soft conductor shielding NH - no KVVR NH - KV D Y D R NH - KFV NH - KFY D D R R NH - KFFR soft copper conductor shielding NH - KVVRPNH - KV D Y D RP NH - RP NH - KFY KFV D D RP NH - KFFRP no shielding NH - steel tape armoured KVV NH - 22 KV D Y D - 22 NH - KFV NH - KFY D - D - 22 of 22 NH - KFF 22 note: PVC insulation structure by using the 105 ℃ resistance fuel used for refractory compound insulation structure. Specifications: Section 0.5 0.75 1.0 1.5 2.5 4 June 15 mm 2 above and below 2.5 mm 2 class A 1/0.80 1/1.13 1/1.13 1/1.38 1/1.38 1/1.13 1/1.13 PVC fluorine plastic sheath PVC fluorine plastic sheath class B 19/0.1 19/0.2 19/0.2 19/0.3 19/0.3 19/0.2 19/0.2 4-2-2-61 core 37 core 27 Core 4-14 core technical indicators: Performance can project technical indicators conductor dc resistance (20 ℃) or less Ω/km nominal section 0.5 0.75 1.0 1.5 2.5 4 6 class A 36.0 24.5 18.1 12.1 7.41 4.61 3.08 39.0 26.0 26.0 13.3 7.98 4.95 19.5 B test voltage 3000 V / 5 min not breakdown insulation resistance M Ω 1000 km or more refractory characteristics through the class A, Class B (according to gb12666.5-90 test) passed class A (according to gb12666.5-90 test).
1、YJV22-1KV3×35mm2 +1×16mm22、YJV22-1KV3×95mm2 +1×50mm23、YJV22-1KV3×120mm2 +1×70mm24、YJV22-1KV3×150mm2 +1×70mm25、YJV22-1KV3×185mm2 +1×95mm26、YJV22-1KV3。
低烟无卤电缆主要技术指标:1.电缆应经受环境温度下工频电压试验3kV,5min不击穿2.电缆的透光率应符合下表电缆外径 D(mm)透光率(%)≥电缆外径 D(mm)透光率(%)≥D>40705<D≤105010<D≤4060D≥540 3.电缆的不延燃性(阻燃特性):应通过GB12666.5-90中B类成束燃烧试验。单根电线电缆垂直燃烧试验应通过GB12666.2-90 4.卤酸气体释放量,符合IEC754-1
5.燃烧气体的PH值和导电率,符合IEC754-2 PH≥4.3 电导率≤10μS/mm。
低烟无卤电线特性:(1) 抗张强度比一般PVC电线大:一般PVC电线抗张强度大于1.05Kgf/mm2,而低烟无卤电线抗张强度大于1.2Kgf/mm2;(2) 具有良好的耐候性(-30℃~105℃);(3) 具备良好的柔软度(硬度为80—90);(4) 具有非移性(因为此产品配方中不用添加可塑剂,故不会有移形性);(5) 燃烧时不会产生有毒黑烟(会产生少量白色烟雾);(6) 具有较高的体积电阻率:PVC电线一般为1012~1015Ω/cm3,低烟无卤电线大于1016Ω/cm3;(7) 具有良好的耐高压特性:PVC电线一般耐10KV以上,而低烟无卤电线高达15KV以上;(8) 具有良好的弹性和粘性。
Product characteristics and USES: this product has high fireproof performance, through direct combustion flame, in a certain period of time is not short circuit and short circuit fault, therefore, when the fire broke out, is beneficial to reduce the loss, low smoke zero halogen type cable belong to environmental protection cable, especially suitable for fire to demand higher power, large buildings, railways, shipping industry, such as product standards Q/HHTZH009.2 refractory properties accord with GB12666.6 (IEC331) 1-90 requirement. ?? Ac rated voltage: U0/U 0.6/1 kv 2. ?? The highest working temperature for a long time: flame retardant PVC insulated and sheathed 70 ℃ and 105 ℃?? Fluorine plastic insulation and sheath 200 ℃ and 260 ℃ with cross-linked polyethylene insulation 90 ℃ 90 ℃ low smoke zero halogen flame retardant polyolefin low smoke zero halogen flame retardant crosslinked polyolefin 90 ℃ and 120 ℃. ?? Minimum ambient temperature: flame retardant PVC sheathed: fixed installation to 40 ℃, the fixed installation - 15 ℃ fluorine plastic insulation and sheath: fixed installation - 60 ℃; The fixed installation - 20 ℃ 4. Refractory characteristics: comply with IEC331 flame temperature 750 ℃, flame