2023-10-18 03:03  浏览:23









化机爱工厂文化艺术科技产业园(北化机爱工厂)于北京朝阳区西大望路27号,邻CBD商业圈,珠江帝景南端,距地铁站14地铁线平乐园站仅200米。占地面积22万平方,位将原北京市化工机械设备有限公司的旧厂房改造转型升级变成文化艺术创意产业园区,是相近798文创园一样的地区。北化机爱工厂文化艺术科技产业园(北化机爱工厂)以影视传媒类公司为主导,现在已经入驻企业高达数百家,在其中影视传媒公司占有率60%。配套齐全,摩卡咖啡文化艺术中心也逐步为公众认知能力,变成网红打卡地。入驻企业有-悦凯娱乐、辰影星河、卫黄文化艺术、息壤数字科技、长富汇银项目投资、多爪高新科技、中柬连动、每日生鲜等。Huaji'ai Factory Culture, Arts and Technology Industrial Park (Beihuaji'ai Factory) is located at No. 27, Xidawang Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing, adjacent to CBD business circle, the south end of the Pearl River Dijing, and only 200 meters away from Pingyuan Station of 14 subway lines. Covering an area of 220000 square meters, it will transform and upgrade the old plant of the former Beijing Chemical Machinery Equipment Co., Ltd. into a cultural and artistic creative industrial park, which is similar to the 798 cultural and creative park. Beihua Jiai Factory Culture, Arts and Technology Industrial Park (Beihua Jiai Factory) is dominated by film and television media companies. Now, hundreds of enterprises have settled in the park, accounting for 60% of film and television media companies. With complete supporting facilities, the Mocha Coffee Culture and Art Center has gradually become a popular punch card for the public. The settled enterprises include Yuekai Entertainment, Chenying Xinghe, Weihuang Culture and Art, Xirang Digital Technology, Changfu Huiyin Project Investment, Multiclaw High-tech, China-Cambodia linkage, Daily Fresh, etc.


北化机爱工厂文化艺术科技产业园(北化机爱工厂)是四环中的高新科技、影视传媒、 AI产业聚集地。产业园区位于西大望路27号,前身为北京市化工机械厂,在原有工厂原来建筑类型前提下,对老旧厂房开展更新改造,重视现代主义建筑科技与文化结合的艺术创意时尚潮流核心理念--换新颜,将空间、总体结构、高新科技智能化系统有益融合更新改造,整体设计更加贴合爱工厂文化产业园定位技术型文创园。Beihua Jiai Factory Culture, Arts and Technology Industrial Park (Beihua Jiai Factory) is the gathering place of high-tech, film and television media, and AI industries in the fourth ring road. The industrial park is located at No. 27, Xidawang Road, formerly known as Beijing Chemical Machinery Factory. Under the premise of the original building type of the factory, the old factory buildings will be renovated, and the core concept of the art, creativity and fashion trend of combining modern building technology and culture will be attached importance to - a new look, and the space, overall structure, and high-tech intelligent system will be effectively integrated and renovated, The overall design is more in line with Aichang Cultural Industrial Park and positioned as a technology-based cultural and creative park.


北化机爱工厂文化艺术科技产业园产业园区集聚了文化艺术、体育运动、文化传媒网络资源、人士明星大咖、有度及度的公司,构成了完备的文化艺术产业集群效应。亲临产业园区,大家可以漫步于林荫大道上,赏析路旁是一颗颗充满活力的白杨树;您也可以来到绿色植物地区,把它当成环境,一定是一张惊艳写真集。爱工厂文化产业集团顺应时代发展,助推北京市不仅变成中国文化中心,更应成为全球文化艺术中心,让文化贸易与公共文化服务均衡发展,让广大代表文化产业公司从产业园区面向世界,紧随北京朝阳区文化创意产业的脚步,合力为北京朝阳区文化创意产业迅猛发展贡献力量。北化机爱工厂文化艺术科技产业园间距地铁站14地铁线平乐园站173米,地铁站7地铁线/14地铁线九龙山站780米。公交车周边有41路、348路、457路、486路、535路、561路、637路、夜19路、30路、35路、513路、605路、973路、985路、夜25路、夜7路等。Beihua Jiai Factory Culture, Arts and Technology Industrial Park (Beihua Jiai Factory) is the gathering place of high-tech, film and television media, and AI industries in the fourth ring road. The industrial park is located at No. 27, Xidawang Road, formerly known as Beijing Chemical Machinery Factory. Under the premise of the original building type of the factory, the old factory buildings will be renovated, and the core concept of the art, creativity and fashion trend of combining modern building technology and culture will be attached importance to - a new look, and the space, overall structure, and high-tech intelligent system will be effectively integrated and renovated, The overall design is more in line with Aichang Cultural Industrial Park and positioned as a technology-based cultural and creative park.

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