



DIN标准化部件齿轮箱和减速电机轴,花键轴和螺母把手,手轮,把手,操作元素锥齿轮,蜗轮,蜗杆V带,滑轮,配件链轮,链条,配件钳项圈,固定环(调整环)联轴器,摩擦离合器,安全联轴器标准件和杂项的直线,直线轴承,精密导轨金属橡胶缓冲器,阻尼器的保养和维修喷剂,Loctits产品气动元件座轴承,轴套,钻头锥套夹紧套,夹紧轴套,雅固拉 - 万向节正齿轮,齿条,内齿轮,棘轮轮同步带,皮带轮,锥套伸缩幻灯片配件.

company building in K?penicker Street was completely destroyed.When the rebuilding began, nobody new about the separation of Berlin that wouldlater take place. Bad luck, that a site in East Berlin was chosen to dare a newstart. The trade company was thus later managed as a trust and in 1972 thecompany was officially converted into public property. The branch in WestBerlin, which had been started at the same time, took a different development.After the war it became the new basis for company development. But: the strongcompetition of the free-market economy made the company change its approach.The main goal was now to find new, promising market niches. And really, onesector that was perfectly suited could be found: gear elements, gear units,geared motors, machine building elements, standard parts and threaded spindleswith accessories offered good future perspectives. And the further developmentshowed how correct this estimation had been. 1959 the branch in Stuttgart wasfounded, followed by Dusseldorf in 1963. An even bigger step followed in 1968:Due to supply shortages and the high demands we have always had on quality westarted to be interested in building up our own production and in 1968 we gotthe chance to join up with a company. This cooperation went so well, that in1984 our first own production site, the toothing and gearing technology companyM?dler GmbH, was founded. At the same time a number of other things happened:1970: the company headquarters are moved from Berlin to Stuttgart. 1975: thesubsidiary in Hamburg is founded. 1977: the business premises in Berlin arebeing closed. 1978: the Transnord GmbH in Hamburg is founded, withparticipation of the M?dler GmbH. 1978: M?dler also starts trading in theneighbouring countries. The company M?dler Norm-Antrieb AG in Feuerthalen/Switzerland starts making business. 1988 the headquarters in Stuttgart moveinto their new, own premises. 1990 the subsidiary in Dusseldorf moves - for thesame reason. 2004 the area in Stuttgart is extended by about 3000 sqm.


公司主要经营欧美和日韩 等发达国家的机电一体化设备、高精度分析检测仪器、环境与新能源工业设备及电动工具等工控自动化产品。
凭借专业的技术与商务团队, 公司在为客户带来优质产品的还可提供自动化工程技术服务及成套解决方案。


AVK       阀门       DN300

AVK       阀门       DN100

AVK       阀门       DN300

E+H       料位计    FTL260-1020 SER.NO.E1008A01095

HUBNER       编码器    321-00176

HUBNER       编码器    HOG 10D 1024 I  Nr:2241931

HUBNER       编码器    HOG 10D 1024 I  Nr:2241931

HUBNER       编码器    POG10DN1024I

HUBNER       编码器   H0G10DN1024I

HUBNER       编码器   HOG10 D 1024 I

KRACHT       流量计    VCG 2FCP2 

QUALITROL  局部放电耦合电容器    kit 3 x CC30 含电缆和接线盒

SICK      传感器    WTB9-3P3461

SKAKO  振动电机       BX150-4 0.7KW

BORKEY       重载轮    150S/P

BORKEY       重载轮    150S/P

CHESTERTON      密封圈    65529

CMC       马达       BNL2310XQFB000

DANOTHERM      制动电阻       F2  20043312432  BA4  120R +-10%

DANOTHERM      电阻      GRF30/200A 10KΩ  JO

DANOTHERM      电阻      GRF30/200A 10KΩ  JO

GRAFF   温度传感器    GF-8100.2.3-L.9.D.400.NL=520.82.DANW.MU 0°C...+400°C

HYDAC  控制器    EDS1791-P-100-000

HYDAC  控制器    EDS8446-1-0400-000

JOSEF MEHRER  O型环,卸载叉    TZW70 01073064

JOSEF MEHRER  O型环,卸载叉    TZW70 01073041

JOSEF MEHRER  O型环二级    TZW70 01073144

JOSEF MEHRER  O型环一级    TZW70 01073249

JOSEF MEHRER  二级吸气阀组       TZW70 03000098

JOSEF MEHRER  二级吸气阀组       TZW70 03000099

JOSEF MEHRER  一级吸气阀组       TZW70 03000096

JOSEF MEHRER  一级吸气阀组       TZW70 03000097

KSB       循环泵泵头    EtachromNC32-160 C11 序列号032-160 997109182000060001 Q=24m3/h 扬程35m 2925r/min

KSB       循环泵泵头    EtachromNC25-160 C11 序列号025-160 997109182000070001 Q=12m3/h扬程35m 2890r/min

LABOM  电接点压力表       BE4500 110 Φ100mm (0-6bar) BE4500-C2057-M4110

LABOM  电接点压力表       BE4500 110 Φ100mm (0-10bar)

LABOM  电接点压力表       BE4500 630 Φ100mm (0-6bar)

MOBREY      液位传感器    9000S1GD0AE1X

MOBREY      液位开关       VT1F

MOBREY      料位计    VLSHN131Z

RENK     浮动密封圈    EFZLB22-225-01 φ250mm 727 479/01-03

RMG      平衡膜    RMG361 DN80 (compensating diapphragm valve)   件号:10 009 134

RMG      调压器备件包       SET533042010

RMG      调压器备件包       SET5720540

RMG      平衡膜    RMG361 DN80 (compensating diapphragm valve)   件号:10 009 134

RMG      平衡膜    RMG361 DN80 (compensating diapphragm valve)   件号:10 009 134

RMG      膨胀片    10024219

RMG      大皮膜    10011305

RMG      调压器    RMG512 DN250 进口压力:5-8.5Mpa 出口压力:3.15-3.2Mpa 流量:25000-500000Nm3/h

RMG      切断阀    RMG711-DN250-K16 进口压力:5-8.5Mpa 切断点:3.8Mpa 流量:25000-500000Nm3/h

RMG      备件包   RMG320 DN80 Nr:1307  38121

RMG      大皮膜    10011305

RMG      平衡膜         RMG720   DN100 件号:10008547 序列号:0408  41726

RMG      备件包         RMG361 DN80 序列号:0702 65483

RMG      主皮膜    RMG361 序列号:10009046

RUD       轮胎链条       Fels Jumbo X 16mm in 35/65/33 DT

SHEFFER      气缸       ID3178440-1 MOD IRIS 300ML 2HHFF 2CCP  

SHEFFER      气缸       2.50MA-FF-0012, 2.1/2"MA FF 14 AKY

SHEFFER      气缸密封组件       738-0200-0250-0100

SIMM     切链器    SS15+增压泵SS3A+dao头SS17

TRANSFLUID 意大利 呼吸器    GA 106234

VOTECH       滤芯       DUOTOV 90/838

ABB       电导率电极    AC221/211341 可分离式接头,10米电缆  K=0.01

ABB       PH电极  AP303/21030001  9米线缆

ABB       PH电极  AP303/21030001  9米线缆

AERZEN       鼓风机皮带+鼓风机滤筒     鼓风机型号ROOTS 出厂编号:975671

AI-TEK  转速探头       RH1612-025

ANGST+PFISTER 缓冲器    ST-1220360493

ANGST+PFISTER 密封圈    Radial-shaft seal from A 25*40*7mm,NBR

AUBURNGEAR(AUBURN GEAR)       减速机    5TA41406K3

AUBURNGEAR(AUBURN GEAR)       减速机    5TA41406K3

BADGER       调节阀    1002-GC-N-36-SV-OP-AEP-ST

2016-02-24 13:31
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