The SGM3130 (quad) is a low offset voltage, low power, voltage feedback amplifier. The device can operate from 2.1V to 5.5V single supply, while consuming only 60μA quiescent current per amplifier. It provides rail-to-rail input with a wide input common mode voltage range and rail-to-rail output voltage swing. This feature makes SGM3130 appropriate for buffering ASIC.
The SGM3130 offers a gain-bandwidth product of 1MHz and an ultra-low input bias current of 10pA. It is well suited for piezoelectric sensors, integrators and photodiode amplifiers.
The SGM3130 is designed into a wide range of applications, such as battery-powered instrumentation, safety monitoring, portable systems, and transducer interface circuits in low power systems.
The SGM3130 is available in a Green TQFN-3×3-16L package. It is specified over the extended -40℃ to +85℃ temperature range.
Input Offset Voltage: 0.8mV (TYP)
Ultra-Low Input Bias Current: 10pA
Unity-Gain Stable
Gain-Bandwidth Product: 1MHz
Rail-to-Rail Input and Output
Supply Voltage Range: 2.1V to 5.5V
Input Voltage Range: -0.1V to 5.6V with VS = 5.5V
Low Supply Current: 60μA/Amplifier
-40℃ to +85℃ Operating Temperature Range
Available in a Green TQFN-3×3-16L Package
ASIC Input or Output Amplifiers
Piezoelectric Transducer Amplifiers
Battery-Powered Equipment
Portable Equipment
Sensor Interfaces
Medical Instrumentation
Mobile Communications
Audio Outputs
Smoke Detectors
Notebook PCs
DSP Interface