The SGM9346 is a 6-channel, 6th-order output reconstruction filter which can operate from 3.3V to 5.5V single power supply. It is designed to replace passive LC filters and drivers with an integrated device. Compared with typical passive solutions, the six 6th-order Butterworth filters provide better image quality than typical passive solutions. Three channels are fixed Standard Definition (SD) filters while the rest three channels are configurable between High Definition (HD) or Standard Definition (SD) filters.
The device has a 6dB gain, allowing DC- or AC-coupled output. SGM9346 can be DC-coupled or AC-coupled with input video signal to eliminate out-of-band noise, such as the output stage of DAC. Internal clamp circuitry may be used if AC-coupled inputs are required.
SGM9346 is available in a Green TSSOP-20 package. It operates over an ambient temperature range of -40℃ to +85℃.
Supply Voltage Range: 3.3V to 5.5V
Three Fixed 6th-Order Standard Definition Filters
Three Configurable 6th-Order SD/HD Filters
Internal Gain: 6dB
Clamp Mode Active with AC-Coupled Inputs
Clamp Mode Inactive with DC-Coupled Inputs
AC- or DC-Coupled Outputs
-40℃ to +85℃ Operating Temperature Range
Available in a Green TSSOP-20 Package
Video on Demand (VOD)
Set-Top Boxes
Personal Video Recorders (PVR)