The SGM803B, SGM809B and SGM810B are integrated microprocessor supervisory devices which can be reset under power-up, power-down or even voltage reduction brownout conditions. When VCC is as low as 1V, the reset output can still operate. On the power-on state, the internal timer maintains a 240ms reset assertion, which keeps the microprocessor in the reset state until the condition is stable.
The SGM803B has an active-low open-drain nRESET output. The SGM809B has an active-low push-pull nRESET output and the SGM810B has an active-high push-pull RESET output. These devices provide five reset threshold voltage options for 3V, 3.3V and 5V voltage monitoring.
The devices all have a low quiescent current of 300nA (TYP). And the glitch immunity within the reset comparator protects it from fast transients on VCC.
The SGM803B, SGM809B and SGM810B are available in Green SOT-23-3 and SOT-23 packages. They operates over a junction temperature range of -40℃ to +125℃.
Superior Upgrade for MAX803/MAX809/MAX810 and ADM803/ADM809/ADM810
High Accuracy Fixed Detection Options: 3V, 3.3V and 5V
Low Supply Current: 300nA (TYP)
150ms (MIN) Power-on Reset Pulse Width
Reset Output Options: Open-Drain nRESET Output
Reset Valid Down to VCC = 1V
Fully Specified over Temperature
VCC Transient Immunity
-40℃ to +125℃ Operating Temperature Range
Available in Green SOT-23-3 and SOT-23 Packages
Battery-Powered Applications
Microprocessor Systems
Portable Equipment
Safety Systems
Intelligent Instruments