重庆集丽装饰工程有限公司,专注厂房、办公室装修与改造20年。田先生 023-87100599杨女士
公司主要經營各類工業銅結構建築工程包括銅結構工業廠房,超市、辦公樓等各種多高層銅結構建築,橋梁、電廠、體育 場館、學校等公共建築。主要産品有輕、重銅結構系列;金属幕墙復合板及金屬墙、屋面復合板系列;銅樓承板系列; Sp預應力空心樓板系列;建築外圍護屋墙面成套集成産品等經過多年的不懈努力、創新磨礪,以嚴謹的施工組織,先進的制作安裝技術,過硬的施工隊伍,可靠的信眷保障,在質置、價格、服務上贏得衆多客户的青睞。
the company mainly engaged in various types of industrial steel structure construction, including steel structure industrial plant, Supermarkets, office buildings and other high-rise steel structure, bridges, power plants, sports Venues, schools and other public buildings. The main products are light, heavy steel structure series; Is a curtain wall
composite panel and metal wall, roof composite boa rd series; steel floor board series; SP prestressed hollow floor series; building exterior wall complete sets of integrated products After years of unremitting efforts, innovation tempered to rigorous construction organization, advanced The production and installation technology, excellent construction tea m, a reliable reputation protection, quality Quantity, service to win the favor of many customers.