1、转让流程: 1)、确认信息,确认基本信息符合要求; 2)、签订协议:确认并签订委托协议付意向金; 3)、尽职调查:收购方进场对转让方公司做尽职调查; 4)、正式协议:尽调没问题开始变更,不符合要求退款或更换标的; 5)、股权变更:尽调没问题着手工商,税务,银行,社保等变更; 6)、许可证变更:许可证变更; 7)、资料交接:交接公司所有材料。
2、尽职调查主要查询内容: 1)目标公司无债权债务纠纷 2) 目标公司无不良银行贷款 3) 目标公司无法院讼诉 4) 目标公司未拖欠员工工资 5) 目标公司不欠税漏税 6)目标公司主体资格及业务资质真实合法 7)目标公司在之前经营过程中未发生过集体挤兑现象 8)目标公司无监管处罚记录 9)其他对目标公司经营造成重大影响的情形 3、市场价格: Transfer Process and Points for Attention of Antiquities Auction Company
1. transfer process:
1)、 confirm the information and confirm that the basic information meets the requirements;
2)、 signing agreement: confirm and sign entrustment agreement to pay intention money;
3)、 due diligence: the acquirer enters the market to do due diligence to the transferor company;
4)、 formal agreement: no problem to start the change, do not meet the requirements for refund or replacement of the subject matter;
5)、 equity change: no problem to start industrial and commercial, tax, banking, social security and other changes;
6)、 license change: license change;
7)、 data transfer: handover of all materials of the company.
2. due diligence inquiry:
1) Target Company No Debt Dispute
2) target company has no non-performing bank loans
3) target company can not sue
4) target company is not in arrears
5) target company does not incur tax evasion
6) target company subject qualification and business qualification is true and legal
7) the target company has not had a collective run in the previous business process
8) target company has no record of regulatory penalties
9) other circumstances that have a significant impact on the operation of the target company
3. market prices: