聚乙烯防滑不陷车铺路垫板 聚乙烯防滑板 聚乙烯铺路垫板 聚乙烯垫板 不陷车垫板 走车垫板 便携式地面防护垫板 聚乙烯地面防护垫 聚乙烯路基垫板走车施工 人行道
防滑纹设计: 可以设计为大防滑纹和小防滑纹,
铺路垫板性能:重量轻,耐腐蚀,抗冲击, 韧性好,不易脆,不易分层非常坚固。
●建筑工地 土木工程和基础工作 ●行人天桥
●紧急通道 ●临时道路及停车场
●公用场地和基础设施的维护 ●园林绿化和保护遗产或生态保护区
●高尔夫球场和运动场的维护 ●体育和休闲活动
●钻井工程 ●石油钻探行业
铺路垫板是公司采用环保复合聚乙烯材质加工生产,是一种热塑型工程塑料,具有很好的耐磨性、环保、防静电、缓冲、高耐磨 、防潮、耐腐蚀、易加工 、吸震、无噪音、 经济、不变形、抗冲击性、自润滑性等优良特性,铺路垫板主要确保我们的临时通道和地面保护解决方案帮助我们的客户解决他们可能遇到的移动车辆,工厂和人员的困难,帮助他们避免不必要的延误和额外费用。
Paving pad is a kind of thermoplastic engineering plastic, which is processed and produced by the company with environmental protection composite polyethylene material. It has good wear resistance, environmental protection, anti-static, buffering, high wear resistance, moisture resistance, corrosion resistance, easy processing, shock absorption, no noise With the excellent characteristics of economy, no deformation, impact resistance and self lubrication, the paving pad mainly ensures that our temporary access and ground protection solutions help our customers solve the difficulties of mobile vehicles, factories and personnel that they may encounter, and help them avoid unnecessary delay and additional costs. We strive to ensure that our products are durable, always safe and easy to use, ensuring confidence in all durations throughout the project.

铺路垫板是公司采用环保复合聚乙烯材质加工生产,是一种热塑型工程塑料,具有很好的耐磨性、环保、防静电、缓冲、高耐磨 、防潮、耐腐蚀、易加工 、吸震、无噪音、 经济、不变形、抗冲击性、自润滑性等优良特性,铺路垫板主要确保我们的临时通道和地面保护解决方案帮助我们的客户解决他们可能遇到的移动车辆,工厂和人员的困难,帮助他们避免不必要的延误和额外费用。
Paving pad is a kind of thermoplastic engineering plastic, which is processed and produced by the company with environmental protection composite polyethylene material. It has good wear resistance, environmental protection, anti-static, buffering, high wear resistance, moisture resistance, corrosion resistance, easy processing, shock absorption, no noise With the excellent characteristics of economy, no deformation, impact resistance and self lubrication, the paving pad mainly ensures that our temporary access and ground protection solutions help our customers solve the difficulties of mobile vehicles, factories and personnel that they may encounter, and help them avoid unnecessary delay and additional costs. We strive to ensure that our products are durable, always safe and easy to use, ensuring confidence in all durations throughout the project.