² 拍卖公司怎么注册_注册条件及流程
² 以上是部分关于拍卖公司,拍卖行业,甚至是现在流行的互联网拍卖公司的相关资讯。其实无论是线上还是线下拍卖,我们都可以预测到拍卖行业还有相当大的潜力。很多人说现在藏品已经被扒得差不多了,但是实际上从每年的春拍和秋拍的结果,我们都可以看到有很多的惊喜和收获。为了帮助更多想要申请注册拍卖公司的客户,以下我们重点说说拍卖公司怎么注册,以及注册条件及流程。How to Register _ Registration Conditions and Procedures
These are some information about auction companies, the auction industry, and even the most popular Internet auction companies. In fact, whether online or offline auction, we can predict that the auction industry still has considerable potential. Many people say that the collection has been picked up almost now, but in fact, from the results of spring and autumn shooting every year, we can see a lot of surprises and gains. To help more customers who want to apply for a registered auction company, let's focus on how the auction company is registered, as well as the conditions and procedures for registration.
² 【拍卖公司注册条件】
² 1,拍卖公司注册对人员资质有什么具体的要求?
² 注册一家拍卖公司,那么就是要举行各种各样线上线下的拍卖活动,那么拍卖就要有的拍卖人员,那就是具有主持拍卖资格证书的拍卖师。一般来说,现在经营一般艺术品和商品拍卖的拍卖公司,注册时需要有一名以上的拍卖师,三名以上的拍卖行业工作人员。涉及文物局备案文物拍卖的话,需要有五名以上的文物拍卖师。拍卖师的资格获得并不容易,很多想要完成拍卖公司注册的申请人可能都无法满足这个注册条件。我们能够提供拍卖师资质挂靠。