1. 北京——医学研究院注册地址 北京丰台 注册时间 2016年公司情况 没有银行 0变更 地址到期2.北京——中医药研究院注册地址 北京朝阳注册时间 2017年公司情况 税务正常 有银行 地址到期3.北京——农业科技研究院注册地址 北京丰台注册时间 2012年公司情况 有银行 无税控 干净无异常 地址到期4.北京——信息技术研究院注册地址 北京通州注册时间 2018年 公司情况 个人独资 税务注销 随时是变更 地址到期5.北京——教育科技研究院注册地址 北京昌平公司情况 地址长期 干净无异常 没有税控6.北京——医学技术研究院注册地址 北京朝阳注册时间 2018年公司情况 0申报 没有银行税控 地址到期\
2. 北京医学研究院转让什么价格
3. 收购一家中医研究院转让多少钱
4. 近年来,中医药产业发展已上升为国家发展战略,中医药化是
5. 推动中医药国际化的重要手段。日前,化组织(ISO)正式发布了
6. 由上海中医药大学中药学院王瑞教授团队主导制定的《中医药-板蓝根药材》
7. ,该标准制作历时34个月,终于本月正式出版。
8. 名称:北京***中医研究院
9. 类型:个人独资企业
10. 住所:北京市朝阳区*****
11. 投资人:***
12. 成立日期:2017年*月*日
13. 经营范围:医学研究(不含诊疗活动)。(企业依法自主选择经营项目,开展经营活动;依法须经批准的项目,经相关部门批准后依批准的内容开展经营活动;不得从事本市产业政策禁止和限制类项目的经营活动。)
14. B、北京**医学研究院转让
15. C、北京**中医药研究院转让
16. D、北京**中医医学研究院转让
17. E、北京xx教育科技研究院转让
Beijing —— medical research institute registered address Beijing fengtai registered time in 2016 the company no bank 0 change address due 2. Beijing —— institute of traditional Chinese medicine registered address Beijing chaoyang registered time 2017 company tax normal bank address due 3. Beijing —— agricultural science and technology research institute registered address Beijing fengtai registered time in 2012 the company has a bank no tax control clean without abnormal address due 4. Beijing —— information technology research institute registered address Beijing tongzhou registered time in 2018 company sole proprietorship tax cancellation is always change address due 5. Beijing —— education science and technology research institute registered address Beijing changping company address long-term clean no exception no tax control 6. Beijing —— medical technology research institute registered address Beijing chaoyang registered time in 2018 company 0 declare no bank tax address due \ What price does Beijing Medical Research Institute transfer How much money does acquiring a research institute of traditional Chinese medicine transfer In recent years, the development of TCM industry has been promoted to a national development strategy, and the international standardization of TCM is An important means to promote the internationalization of TCM. Recently, the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) was officially released Traditional Chinese Medicine, led by Professor Wang Rui, School of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Shanghai University of Traditional Chinese Medicine The international standard, which took 34 months to produce, was finally officially published this month. Name: Beijing * * * Research Institute of Traditional Chinese Medicine Type: sole proprietorship enterprise Address: *****, Chaoyang District, Beijing investor:*** Date of establishment: * month * day, 2017 Business scope: medical research (excluding diagnosis and treatment activities).(The enterprise shall independently select business projects and carry out business activities according to law; the projects subject to approval according to law shall conduct business activities according to the approved contents after being approved by the relevant departments; and shall not engage in business activities prohibited or restricted by the industrial policies of this Municipality.) B. Beijing * * Medical Research Institute transfer C. Transfer by Beijing * * Research Institute of Traditional Chinese Medicine D. Transfer by Beijing * * Research Institute of Traditional Chinese Medicine E, Beijing xx Education Science and Technology Research Institute transfer