(个人独资 ,干净,无异常,有银行与税控,地址续费一年4000++)
Existing resource transfer: Beijing * * * * Research Institute of Traditional Chinese Medicine: (Sole proprietorship, clean, no exception, bank and tax control, address renewal 4000 ++) Beijing * * * Education Science and Technology Research Institute: (Collective ownership, since the establishment of not much management, so it is very clean, no problem) Beijing * * * Research Institute of Information Technology: (Collective ownership, the annual report has just been pulled abnormal, forgot to report, now has been lifted, there is a bank, the address can also be used.) Beijing * * * * Research Institute of Biotechnology: (There is no problem, it is very clean, the address can be moved away and it can be renewed). The above resource license, seal in hand can be changed at any time, the boss is welcome to consult
以上资源执照,章在手 可以随时变更,有需要的老板欢迎咨询