The electronic structures in several correlated nanostructured small quantum systems, and some important optoelectronic ultrafast dynamics processes related to their interaction, hybridization and coupling with quasi-particles.
Low-dimensional strong correlation and magnetic materials
Develop experimental technologies such as synchrotron radiation and oxide growth, carry out research on high temperature superconductivity, quantum phase transition system and charge orbital ordering, and try to understand the influence of quantum phase transition point on electronic structure, the relationship between orbital ordering and electronic structure, as well as the evolution of electronic structure in high temperature superconductivity and low-dimensional Mott system and other important issues in the study of strongly related electronic systems. To carry out research on magnetic ultrathin films and multilayers, magnetic nanowires and magnetic nanodots prepared by molecular beam epitaxy, multi-target magnetron sputtering and electrochemical deposition and other experimental methods, and to try to understand their atomic structure, electronic state, magnetism and their correlation, and further reveal the nature of solid magnetism; The important problems in technical magnetism such as magnetic phase transition behavior, magnetic anisotropy, spin reorientation, magnetization reversal and dynamics of magnetic domain change in nanometer magnetic structures are studied, and possible new vertical magnetic recording materials and prototype device structures are explored.